Doesn’t really matter whether they address it or not. If, as we believe, everything written here is fact, at some point they will have to acknowledge it because people ARE going to be arrested for Nuremberg Code violations and crimes against humanity. At the very least it should be a sobering wake-up call for some of the “underlings” who have ignored conscience and ethics out of fear of a government that will not protect them when all hell breaks loose. It’s simply astounding to me that so many have been so completely, and so easily, influenced to abandon every decent and honourable thing they’ve ever known over fear of a friggin’ “cold”.
Isn’t it amazing....I do not admire the enemy but you do have to stand back in awe in how fuckinh easy it was to scam the world .....dude I’m starting to wonder if ww2 and ww1 even happened......
Well, he’s had a lot of time to study the human psyche but if you stop to think about it, he hasn’t gotten any more clever over those thousands of years of study. He pulls the same old tricks he pulled on Eve in the Garden - taking a Truth and twisting it to cause doubt, and then division, until we are manipulated into believing something that is the absolute opposite of the original Truth, and - if we’re fortunate enough to be awakened before it’s too late - we’re always left wondering how on earth we were so deceived. When Jesus was tempted in the same way, for 40 days/nights in the wilderness, He never took His eyes off the bigger picture - the plan the Triune God designed to restore us to Himself the very moment Eve took a bite of that fruit. We need to do the same - never take our eyes off Jesus. Our Hope is in Him and this life is temporal. Only Eternity matters in the grand scheme of things, so let these trials strengthen our Faith in Him and then we all truly win!
You nailed it and what you said is so powerful, a 5 year old should understand your statement ....”.Fear of a friggin cold”’s really that simple isn’t it ..can you imagine. That’s why I know there is truly something wrong with theirs brains , it’s not just brainwashing ! .
They’ve given themselves over to something they don’t understand - something so subtle that even normal, educated people have had evil play to their emotions and they’ve completely lost sight of logic and common sense. I am so thankful I was raised by parents who taught us to think for ourselves - kinda that same idea as, “If your friend told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?” Even as a teen, I never bowed to “peer pressure” because I was taught (sometimes with a boot to the bum) to use my head. My parents weren’t particularly “religious”, but they were raised right and they didn’t bend to the idea that they (or we) were entitled to more than anybody else. I think the spirit of entitlement is a big part of the deceitful ideology that is controlling things right now.
Doesn’t really matter whether they address it or not. If, as we believe, everything written here is fact, at some point they will have to acknowledge it because people ARE going to be arrested for Nuremberg Code violations and crimes against humanity. At the very least it should be a sobering wake-up call for some of the “underlings” who have ignored conscience and ethics out of fear of a government that will not protect them when all hell breaks loose. It’s simply astounding to me that so many have been so completely, and so easily, influenced to abandon every decent and honourable thing they’ve ever known over fear of a friggin’ “cold”.
Isn’t it amazing....I do not admire the enemy but you do have to stand back in awe in how fuckinh easy it was to scam the world .....dude I’m starting to wonder if ww2 and ww1 even happened......
Well, he’s had a lot of time to study the human psyche but if you stop to think about it, he hasn’t gotten any more clever over those thousands of years of study. He pulls the same old tricks he pulled on Eve in the Garden - taking a Truth and twisting it to cause doubt, and then division, until we are manipulated into believing something that is the absolute opposite of the original Truth, and - if we’re fortunate enough to be awakened before it’s too late - we’re always left wondering how on earth we were so deceived. When Jesus was tempted in the same way, for 40 days/nights in the wilderness, He never took His eyes off the bigger picture - the plan the Triune God designed to restore us to Himself the very moment Eve took a bite of that fruit. We need to do the same - never take our eyes off Jesus. Our Hope is in Him and this life is temporal. Only Eternity matters in the grand scheme of things, so let these trials strengthen our Faith in Him and then we all truly win!
You nailed it and what you said is so powerful, a 5 year old should understand your statement ....”.Fear of a friggin cold”’s really that simple isn’t it ..can you imagine. That’s why I know there is truly something wrong with theirs brains , it’s not just brainwashing ! .
They’ve given themselves over to something they don’t understand - something so subtle that even normal, educated people have had evil play to their emotions and they’ve completely lost sight of logic and common sense. I am so thankful I was raised by parents who taught us to think for ourselves - kinda that same idea as, “If your friend told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?” Even as a teen, I never bowed to “peer pressure” because I was taught (sometimes with a boot to the bum) to use my head. My parents weren’t particularly “religious”, but they were raised right and they didn’t bend to the idea that they (or we) were entitled to more than anybody else. I think the spirit of entitlement is a big part of the deceitful ideology that is controlling things right now.
Correct ! Entitlement is underrated as to one of the answers as to what is going on with our youth and young people !