Dr. Robert Young found parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi in vial of Covid-19 vaccine.
When people become infected by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, they can get Chagas disease. The feces of insects called triatomine, or “kissing” bugs, transmits the parasite to humans. These bugs feed on the blood of animals and humans at night, and then they defecate. Infection can occur if you unknowingly wipe the feces into your eyes, nose, mouth, or a sore.
Chagas Disease Complications include:
Infected heart muscle (myocarditis)
Brain infection (meningoencephalitis)
Enlarged heart
Enlarged esophagus
Enlarged colon
Trypanosoma cruzi parasite in blood: https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/trypanosoma-cruzi-parasite-picture-id1137554358?k=6&m=1137554358&s=170667a&w=0&h=9ZFswt4C-8j1GAsEvZ3LUR6tzMhoLQ8bSvkerQummgM=
will ivermectin help with this shit. I am going to be forced to take this poison in about 2 weeks. If I decide to travel to the states for the J&J one I can push out to middle to end of next month. Fuck canada.
#1 - The Cabal is overturned before 2 weeks and the lid is blown off the Covid scam. Best scenario.
#2 - Try to get a religious or medical exemption.
#3 - Get legal help. Perhaps Rebel News can help you with this.
#4 - Just refuse. You can find another job, etc. Taking the jab has to be worth losing your life. What will they want next? A booster? Each shot accumulates in your body.
#5 - Contact and ask advice from: Dr. Zelenko - https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/ America's Frontline Doctors - https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/ Dr Stella Immanuel - https://frontlinemds.com/
I think this is a TRUE SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT: They have different ingredients in different lots. Perhaps they are looking at what lot caused what illness: myocarditis, blood clots, neurological problems, etc.
Once the mRNA is in your body, there's NO WAY TO REMOVE IT. The mRNA will program your cells to continuously make spike proteins which are very harmful to the body's organs. They've also recently seen shards of stainless steel, nanobots assembling, pieces of graphene oxide, parasites and other crap. If you take the shot, you might end up needing to take medications the rest of your life to counteract the Covid shot.
Good luck, Canadian Patriot. God Bless Canada. America is rooting for you.
Thanks, but canada is truly fucked. You think california is retarded? Take a look at canada. Polls show that they want the vax to be mandatory, vax passports are wonderful and should have been done earlier. Boosters? yes please. I see people getting excited for the boosters to start. Soon without a clot shot you are not allowed on planes. Want to keep your job, get a clot shot. I can see them very soon starting to round up unvaxed and putting them in camps, and I would bet canadians will cheer it on. Hell I have been hearing people say "ban them from buying food and they will get the shot". Masks....I have simply refused to wear it but EVERYONE else puts them on in their cars before going into the store. Some idiots wear them walking outside, some in their cars.
Don't get me wrong, there are a bunch of people like us here in canada but the culture of woke keeps us quiet. I know a few people who would love for Trump to run usa and canada, but not too many :(
The country is beyond repair. Sadly, I used to be a proud canadian....years ago. Now I simply live here. Even with the biden coup, americans have it better then in communist canada. If Trump can end the coup before the states gets destroyed I would like to look into moving to somewhere like Texas.
I am sadly going to have to take the suicide shot. Forced government Coercion is a horrible thing.
I know Canada and Australia are experiencing more totalitarianism than in the US and it is horrible, scary and daunting.
America is right behind you in terms of instituting Communism. Trudeau and Biden sold their countries to the CCP. Sold their countries for billions - chump change. Hopefully Trump will finish The Plan and straighten us out. Then we can help the rest of the world. May God Bless and Protect You.