posted ago by Malamutememer ago by Malamutememer +17 / -2

Texas Abortion Ban - Fighting tomorrow's jab created population control?

Will the Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade to fight the plandemic and enable USA nationalism?

Perspective - Hate on SCOTUS but if any theories that lead you to this post are true, Trump's SCOTUS nominees have always been part of the plan (think RBG), the election dismissal and the left leaning SCTOUS rulings needed to play out this way to create the current reality.

Future SCOTUS status remains impartial (left leaning even).

Parallel - AZ audit release, highly anticipated by the right and ignored by the MSM until the left reported it as win and a crushing Trump defeat (validating the audit impartiality). There were just enough crumbs for Patriots to know NCSWIC.

Hold the line.