We may not be electing a president. We may find ourselves voting for a king or queen. The usual typical political system we have now, will change in its entirety. And that be worldwide also.
Well, for one would like the nation I was raised to believe in by the cabal. I was brainwashed to see a wonderful virtuous nation of good people. AMERICANS. so it wasn't completely true, but enough so in our hearts that some of us went to war believing we were saving her. The world got fooled and I went to war most of my adult life. Now I see. A also Will decide if I. Gonna be part of any nation or state. We are free people as the Constitution was taken away in 1999. The deep state we must defeat Nd then we get to decide.
Democracy is evil. Seriously. The wisest Founders knew it. They warned against it. They built a system designed to only permit extremely limited representative democracy (aka republicanism).
I'd agree with Benjamin Rush that "He alone Who created and redeemed man is qualified to govern him." In other words, as some Patriots once said, "no King but King Jesus." Unfortunately until Christ returns and establishes His Kingdom on the new earth for good, we're stuck with immensely flawed men governing other men. I'd prefer 1 idiot over 100 idiots. At least the 1 idiot is easier to remove. Easier to remove 100 idiots than 1000. And so on... you get the picture.
tldr; democracy sucks, constitutional monarchy is closer to the true republicanism of the American Founders' design. To note, before the bullshit popery of the "divine right of kings", monarchs (at least in Britain) were chosen, not determined by inheritance through bloodline.
We may not be electing a president. We may find ourselves voting for a king or queen. The usual typical political system we have now, will change in its entirety. And that be worldwide also.
Well, for one would like the nation I was raised to believe in by the cabal. I was brainwashed to see a wonderful virtuous nation of good people. AMERICANS. so it wasn't completely true, but enough so in our hearts that some of us went to war believing we were saving her. The world got fooled and I went to war most of my adult life. Now I see. A also Will decide if I. Gonna be part of any nation or state. We are free people as the Constitution was taken away in 1999. The deep state we must defeat Nd then we get to decide.
Democracy is evil. Seriously. The wisest Founders knew it. They warned against it. They built a system designed to only permit extremely limited representative democracy (aka republicanism).
Dramatized, but spot on: https://youtu.be/kH2e9x5w5JE
"...for want (lack) of a monarchy."
More "democracy" has directly led to expanded federal government and an ever growing beuaracracy creating hundreds, even thousands of petty tyrannts
I'd agree with Benjamin Rush that "He alone Who created and redeemed man is qualified to govern him." In other words, as some Patriots once said, "no King but King Jesus." Unfortunately until Christ returns and establishes His Kingdom on the new earth for good, we're stuck with immensely flawed men governing other men. I'd prefer 1 idiot over 100 idiots. At least the 1 idiot is easier to remove. Easier to remove 100 idiots than 1000. And so on... you get the picture.
tldr; democracy sucks, constitutional monarchy is closer to the true republicanism of the American Founders' design. To note, before the bullshit popery of the "divine right of kings", monarchs (at least in Britain) were chosen, not determined by inheritance through bloodline.