If Joe Biden did not actually sign an executive order, if congress did not pass a bill for you Employers to mandate vaccines for your employees and you force under YOUR direction a requirement for your employees to get vaccinated with an unknown “vaccine” do you not care about your employees? Did they all start yesterday and is your heart so closed that you just don’t care? Do you not have connection to your long term employees?
Joe Biden is wrong. Tony Fauci is not the President. He is not elected.
So all Employers, Big, Small, in the middle even if you are a government contractor. If you are a company down trickling YOUR mandate to your subs, if you continue to push a vaccine mandate without an executive order or law then the government isn’t responsible. YOU ARE. Good luck for every lawsuit you are a defendant to. I hope every dollar you make is spent for your defense. I hope that ever investor you have sells their shares and drops your stock price. That every Hedge Fund manager smells blood in the water and shorts your shares to zero.
Take your entire business to China we don’t need you.
I wonder how many companies will even be left after the massive payouts from lawsuits.
Their heirs can collect.
I imagine at least some of them are the types to try to force the shots onto their employees but not their own children.
All of you are saying exactly what I’ve been think, but not wanting to come right out and say it but, vax’s of all will include the employers, they aren’t exempt. We have the police that get the jab they’ll be dying, the ones that left the force will never look back. Firefighters the same. Crime and fires will grow in numbers. No one there to stop. Military vax’d will be the same. Infrastructure bull they’re passing? There won’t be any infrastructure left. Have one day where there’s a power outage over a large swath of country and you can shove that bill right their A$$z. Biden says there’s a dark winter coming, yup probably. Next year we’ll be “squatting” in empty homes. Good luck everyone. Keep your wits about you.
And what about all the doctors and nurses who took it? If it does wipe out vast segments of the population, that's another group of 'essential workers' who will largely be gone.
My sentiments exactly!
The answer is clear: No they don’t care about their employees. They fucking hate them.