I wholeheartedly agree with you Fren, can you give me your take on a couple things?
With your whole post ( and i believe it will be byblical too.) How much do you think the white hats will try to "curtail" the length of time, because people are dying and will soon be starving. "I know the Lord i supreme, but i also think the terrestrial battle is dependent on Q."
Do you think there is any "in the DS's mind" limit to how often/hard they can poke the bear?
Good words , reminder to keep it all in Perspective. Ours and Gods.
I wholeheartedly agree with you Fren, can you give me your take on a couple things?
I know it's a battle between good and evil. I just wish I didn't have to see loved ones succumb to the vaccines in order to win the war.