They had the MSM and the DS behind them. What do they fear the most? Q said it was the public waking up. That’s what’s happening now. The Great Awakening is worldwide. Where can they run? Every country in the world has suffered through this plandemic. They’ve traumatizes the whole world. People have been maimed, lost their loved one and business. They keep telling us this is the new normal. We can never go back to a normal life now, 😷 💉and lockdowns forever. They don’t realize that they can never return to life as they’ve known it. They will not be able to walk down the street. We are already seeing this happen. Nancy, Biden, Killary Are heckled wherever they go. They are in deep panic.
They had the MSM and the DS behind them. What do they fear the most? Q said it was the public waking up. That’s what’s happening now. The Great Awakening is worldwide. Where can they run? Every country in the world has suffered through this plandemic. They’ve traumatizes the whole world. People have been maimed, lost their loved one and business. They keep telling us this is the new normal. We can never go back to a normal life now, 😷 💉and lockdowns forever. They don’t realize that they can never return to life as they’ve known it. They will not be able to walk down the street. We are already seeing this happen. Nancy, Biden, Killary Are heckled wherever they go. They are in deep panic.
We need to keep it up and never let them rest for what happened. Thanks.