Yes, And there is no drought. Two years ago, California had 5 years worth of water in storage. Now 2 years later, it's all gone. Drive up and down I-5 in the central valley and see signs from farmers proclaiming democrat induced water shortage!! And abandoned fields of fruit/nut trees, all dead. California is FUBAR because of liberalism.
Southern California reservoirs are 96 and 86 percent of capacity
While the drought has received major national and regional mainstream and alternative media attention, most media outlets have failed to explain how the Bureau of Reclamation and Department of Water Resources systematically drained northern California reservoirs last summer, resulting in low flows and endangering salmon and steelhead in the Sacramento, Feather and American rivers while filling Southern California water banks and reservoirs.
Last summer, high water releases down the Sacramento, Feather and American rivers left Shasta, Oroville and Folsom reservoirs at dangerously low levels. Shasta is at 36 percent of capacity and 53 percent of average; Oroville, 36 percent of capacity and 54 percent of average; and Folsom, 17 percent of capacity and 32 percent of average.
We have a lot of work to do, eh? Boy, have I learned a lot about 'infiltration' and commies in the past year and a half. I hope what we hear is correct, there are many more of us than there are of them and they are "very concerned about it" and playing their cards in a hurry. Soon to lose control... We shall see, they are pushing us to the wall and when we begin the big pushback I hope it is, well, biblical.
Yes, And there is no drought. Two years ago, California had 5 years worth of water in storage. Now 2 years later, it's all gone. Drive up and down I-5 in the central valley and see signs from farmers proclaiming democrat induced water shortage!! And abandoned fields of fruit/nut trees, all dead. California is FUBAR because of liberalism.
Southern California reservoirs are 96 and 86 percent of capacity
While the drought has received major national and regional mainstream and alternative media attention, most media outlets have failed to explain how the Bureau of Reclamation and Department of Water Resources systematically drained northern California reservoirs last summer, resulting in low flows and endangering salmon and steelhead in the Sacramento, Feather and American rivers while filling Southern California water banks and reservoirs.
Last summer, high water releases down the Sacramento, Feather and American rivers left Shasta, Oroville and Folsom reservoirs at dangerously low levels. Shasta is at 36 percent of capacity and 53 percent of average; Oroville, 36 percent of capacity and 54 percent of average; and Folsom, 17 percent of capacity and 32 percent of average.
Thank you for the link I was too lazy to go find!! We drove by Lake Shasta on the way to Oregon a few weeks ago., my what a mud hole.
River smelt have been declared more important than HUMAN BEINGS
This is attempted genocide and Environmental Terrorism, by it's very definition.
We have a lot of work to do, eh? Boy, have I learned a lot about 'infiltration' and commies in the past year and a half. I hope what we hear is correct, there are many more of us than there are of them and they are "very concerned about it" and playing their cards in a hurry. Soon to lose control... We shall see, they are pushing us to the wall and when we begin the big pushback I hope it is, well, biblical.