Before you downvote me into oblivion hear me out...
Think about the time line, Trump became president to help save America. The cabal has been working to destroy America. The 16 year Hillary plan ended in a communist USA.
I stated thinking about Red October, in the movie they head the sub straight at the torpedo before the torpedo has time to be armed and take out the sub.
The cabal got behind schedule and has to catch up. We know all this.
Here is the genius part that just dawned on me. Our government is so corrupt that the swamp couldn't be drained with the traditional means.
We see how woke everything has become and communism is running full steam ahead. I think the US will face some sort of collapse and in the end the great reset takes place. Simultaneously, the great awakening is happening!!
When we do reach the precipice the system collapses and we the people rebuild the country as the Republic it was designed to be.
The great reset will not be the cabal resetting the government systems to enslave us but the collapse of the systems will fall on those who set it up.
We are ready, we are fighting. We will be the shining light on the other side!
I think about this often.
THEY keep doing the controlled demolition of society. Next will be the Internet False Flags like we are seeing with BBVA where literally money itself ks failing and people can’t live their lives because their money can’t transact.
This will continue along with logistic lines.
The Black Hat system is based on one thing which is common whether the local systems are communist, heading that way, full technocratic, or otherwise - centralization.
Money failing? Centralize
Centralized economies failing? Centralize more
Logistic lines failed? Centralize more
Every problem they force they use to pretend centralization is the savior.
So what is the white hat move?
Teach people to remember how to fight.
Teach people they are their own solution.
Teach people their communities are their own saviors.
Grow your own food. Fuck a 2000 mile salad.
Get to know your own farmers.
Cut the banks out and manage your own money.
These are the simple solutions where everything goes further because we don’t have bastards sitting in the middle speculating us out of our retirements, health, education, and lives.
We get rid of them and remember how to lead our own lives and control what the hell we produce.
What is communism? It’s controlling the means of productuction itself.
Smell me?
I smell you. Smells like... LIBERTY.
sounds like moving backwards, or should I say de-volving backwards to a simpler time....
... I think I've heard that word before: OH YEAH --> DEVOLUTION, BABY!!!