Hussein, Gates, Fraudci, Blair, Brown, Branson, Schiff, Soros, Trudeau, Johnson, Schwab, Morrison, Andrews… what are the chances all their effete, faux-intellectual, limp-twisted “charm” masks major psychological disorders of psychopathic narcissism, sociopathy and God-complexes combined with the toxic combustion of suppressed homosexuality, acting straight or childhood homosexual abuse? Something isn’t right with all these lunatic weirdos and their kind.
Hussein, Gates, Fraudci, Blair, Brown, Branson, Schiff, Soros, Trudeau, Johnson, Schwab, Morrison, Andrews… what are the chances all their effete, faux-intellectual, limp-twisted “charm” masks major psychological disorders of psychopathic narcissism, sociopathy and God-complexes combined with the toxic combustion of suppressed homosexuality, acting straight or childhood homosexual abuse? Something isn’t right with all these lunatic weirdos and their kind.
"Suppressed"? I have to presume they are all active practitioners of the perverse arts.
Well put.