Has anyone come across information about the clot shots as to how long the spike protein continues to be pumped out by your cells? They say the mRNA has a half life but I kind of doubt it.
Also The spikes that are sent out to pollute your body, how long do they last? do they degrade over time?
I have been looking around but cant find answers.
mRNA are 'simple' proteins.
Unless the body gets rid of them manually (a function the "vaccines" conveniently turn off), they can stick around for a long time.
If they do break apart due to natural decay, they actually get more dangerous because the variety of shapes are more likely to cluster and clog.
Typically, the only natural way to get rid of proteins when the body can't is with sunlight.
Sunlight/UV Light has a bleaching effect. Bleaching is typically the destruction of proteins. Most living things get their colors due to proteins or protein crystals, which is why they turn pale in sunlight and why protein-based glues harden and crack. When they are pelted with UV light the proteins break at the "hinges" and the protein isn't as "sticky" which allows it to be moved more easily.
I suspect that Trump's claim a year back that they should look into filtering blood through UV light through a modified form of dialysis may be a future remedy for the dumb dumbs who live long enough to fully regret their stupidity in having injected themselves with an 'experimental' genocide serum.