The “NWO” = what Silivio Gesell called the “NATüRLICHE WIRTSCHAFTSORDNUNG” or (Natural Economic Order) which includes: universal basic income, abolishment of all private land, and abolishment of all private inheritances. In other words, there is no future, only a consumerist NOW. Sick! READ MORE:
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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There is no system humans have yet developed that other humans can't pervert and corrupt.
Capitalism works better because it can work around most 'frictions' if left mostly alone. Had the world not let the politicians convert it to crony-capitalism one step at a time for 150 years, it'd be much better than it is now.
Crony Capitalism = Centralization.
Correct. Crony capitalism is not the capitalism we support. That'd be like saying "I only like sports with no referees." This is why the left teaches college kids that crony capitalism represents all free enterprise.
You can have decentralized crony capitalism. It's just that this current wave of corruption wants it to be easier to corrupt instead of just getting money.
In Arthur C. Clarke's book 2001 there is a line when David Bowman hears the airlock being opened -- which should be impossible due to the safeguards. He then recalls one of the technicians saying: "We can make safeguards against stupidity. We cannot make safeguards against genuine malice."
[Spoiler is that it was Hal, of course.)