105 A little quote form Nicolas Rockefeller in 2000, it tells you everything you need to know... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Puncake150 3 years ago by Puncake150 +105 / -0 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Its hard to believe a human being saying this let alone believing and wanting it. He and the rest of them need to die.
they need to die soon, yet slowly and painfully.
Excellent. Thank you. Is there a direct source for this so I can share it?
This is actually something film maker Aaron Russo said, that his friend Nick Rockefeller said. This is not a direct quote from Rockefeller.
Yeah some of these quotes in gif format are fake. It would be nice to have a document or transcription.
Visited John D Rockefellers grave today. Told him the people will be set free from enslavement
Should have spit on it.
I think its about time we turn off the chip in this fools brain. Let's see how he likes it.