COCOMs Generals are the Q team, if you haven't figured it out. They are the military who know the plan. They need to stop playing games and rain down justice on these demons before they manage to murder millions more, or even billions.
Misprision makes you guilty, and here's a ton of it in the plan. You, COCOMS, don't have forever.
You can look up their names. It's not secret. Nakasone is one of them.
COCOMs Generals are the Q team, if you haven't figured it out. They are the military who know the plan. They need to stop playing games and rain down justice on these demons before they manage to murder millions more, or even billions.
Misprision makes you guilty, and here's a ton of it in the plan. You, COCOMS, don't have forever.
You can look up their names. It's not secret. Nakasone is one of them.