Is This Becoming a General Strike?
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Agreed. It is a game of chicken that has already cost tens of thousands as collateral damage.
How long can they sustain this? I don't know and I refuse to set this as a premise. History tells us in Eastern Europe the citizenry during the Stalin period rationalized it couldn't get any worse than the oppressive mandates issued. This was a mass psychosis that prevented them to react. They falsely reasoned the measures imposed by their new government was only temporary and things will get better.
This is what they told themselves to placate themselves.
Yet the Tyranny only grew and worsened because they didn't act and resist to stop it. By the time they realized their dreadful mistake, tyranny spread to where the food sources were cut off to non-compliant areas, Millions and millions died. Resistors were rounded up and disappeared into the gulag system.
For some reason December 8th is important to them. They are rushing and using every means of coercion to meet a 'deadline'. This might mark the beginning of Phase 2 of their tyrannical doctrines.
Are you willing to bet that "they can't sustain this long term"? I'm not.
I am willing to say yes they can't sustain this long term. They already have a shortage of nurses before they started the mandates. Pulling a NG nurse from a civilian job to cover another civilian job is not sustainable.
They are resorting to paying double the money for retired nurses to come back, and also importing Filipino nurses.
The end is near.