Hey thanks for putting this info out there - you're not a shill. You're providing a point of view that so few of us have. My question would be, are there any counterparts on the Atlantic Ocean/east coast that he is in touch with? Are they reporting the same or different? I haven't noticed a whole lot of empty shelves in the stores I go to except a CVS that seemed to be sold out of nail polish remover. That's all. I only know that because I walked in there specifically for nail polish remover.
Hey thanks for putting this info out there - you're not a shill. You're providing a point of view that so few of us have. My question would be, are there any counterparts on the Atlantic Ocean/east coast that he is in touch with? Are they reporting the same or different? I haven't noticed a whole lot of empty shelves in the stores I go to except a CVS that seemed to be sold out of nail polish remover. That's all. I only know that because I walked in there specifically for nail polish remover.
Our Walmart in Atlanta is 25% empty. I have photos but don’t know how to download.
I don't think you can upload photos of your own to comments, only to posts.