Art 6, section 1, clause 2. The supremacy clause. Federal preemption is composed of express or implied preemption. The latter of which can be broken down into cover the field preemption, conflict preemption, and obstacle preemption. Don't understand any of that? That's because you likely haven't read any of the jurisprudence.
As Q researchers, we should actually know what we are talking about before making shitty memes. Federal law DOES preempt state law. But of course, it can be complicated. So the idea of a "but muh 10th amendment" as some kind of trump card is so nonsensical.
Art 6, section 1, clause 2. The supremacy clause. Federal preemption is composed of express or implied preemption. The latter of which can be broken down into cover the field preemption, conflict preemption, and obstacle preemption. Don't understand any of that? That's because you likely haven't read any of the jurisprudence.
As Q researchers, we should actually know what we are talking about before making shitty memes. Federal law DOES preempt state law. But of course, it can be complicated. So the idea of a "but muh 10th amendment" as some kind of trump card is so nonsensical.
Stop pretending to be lawyers, please.