Nope. We will reach the precipice when the economy IMPLODES. Only then will people start to get active because it affects everyone regardless of race, gender and political affiliation.
I know a lot of people who know the election was rigged. They aren’t doing anything about it though cause they are still too comfortable. Most people do not care about justice as long as they have their mindless entertainment.
Nope. We will reach the precipice when the economy IMPLODES. Only then will people start to get active because it affects everyone regardless of race, gender and political affiliation.
I know a lot of people who know the election was rigged. They aren’t doing anything about it though cause they are still too comfortable. Most people do not care about justice as long as they have their mindless entertainment.
Right! The moment their comfort zone gets fucked the moment they will (hopefully) start dozing on red pills
Or when the crimes against children are revealed.
That is what I think will wake up everybody.
I 100% agree. The top 10% especially needs to see the value of their assets crash.