Our statement is not about denouncing himself. We made a decision to ban, and he objected, and so we are taking that as asking us to process a request that he be released from his ban early, even though he did not ask us that formally.
If there had been an immediate unanimous agreement to unban him, it would've happened; instead we agreed to keep discussing it and answer him later. I hope you understand the process.
u/Andy_Man45 has impassioned concerns and we need to communicate to understand those. Nothing I say is intended as asking him to denounce his concerns. I present him with facts that may redirect his stated goals and leave the decision to him.
Our statement is not about denouncing himself. We made a decision to ban, and he objected, and so we are taking that as asking us to process a request that he be released from his ban early, even though he did not ask us that formally.
If there had been an immediate unanimous agreement to unban him, it would've happened; instead we agreed to keep discussing it and answer him later. I hope you understand the process.
u/Andy_Man45 has impassioned concerns and we need to communicate to understand those. Nothing I say is intended as asking him to denounce his concerns. I present him with facts that may redirect his stated goals and leave the decision to him.