I like the exchange. And we are both resonating with our Father in Heaven. Good stuff.
I did use TM for a while in my youth, and then adopted a self-modified method into my own practice a few decades later. I definitely think the TM understanding of our human experience has a contribution to make.
I resonate a LOT more with Jung than with Siggy, that's for sure. I read the i-ching a lot when I was a teenager, and then actually managed to live in South Korea for better part of a decade; Korea is where the principles of the i-ching have been most inculcated into a society and culture (look at the S. Korean flag).
I'm a linguist by training, but have had some study and work in graphic (visual) art.
"King James Bible." Noice.
May His bounty cover us in our limitations, and lead us on towards the unlimited.
DM you can use messages here in GAW (click on profile and then "message") or you can send email via newnation@gmx.com
I like the exchange. And we are both resonating with our Father in Heaven. Good stuff.
I did use TM for a while in my youth, and then adopted a self-modified method into my own practice a few decades later. I definitely think the TM understanding of our human experience has a contribution to make.
I resonate a LOT more with Jung than with Siggy, that's for sure. I read the i-ching a lot when I was a teenager, and then actually managed to live in South Korea for better part of a decade; Korea is where the principles of the i-ching have been most inculcated into a society and culture (look at the S. Korean flag).
I'm a linguist by training, but have had some study and work in graphic (visual) art.
"King James Bible." Noice.
May His bounty cover us in our limitations, and lead us on towards the unlimited.
DM you can use messages here in GAW (click on profile and then "message") or you can send email via newnation@gmx.com