Yes, I wondered why someone I know would get an AK. The ammo is easily found, still sealed in Russian 'tuna cans' neatly tissue-wrapped 30 round bundles. Whereas, where I'm at, AR-15 ammo is extremely pricey and hard to find.
Yeah, but they're pricey. Did they ever improve those bayonets? The ones I've had over the years were made of cheap steel and WOULD NOT hold an edge.
Side thought.... lately I've been looking for one of those Star Chinese SKS 20-round fixed mags. They used to be available for around $30 or so, but lately I see them going for ridiculous prices over $100.... for a stamped steel mag no less. What's the deal on that anyway?
Bruh, don’t judge, but I just paid $194 for a Tula 40 round bakelite mag in NOS condition just to complete the look on my ZPAP with Serbian red furniture. Good luck finding any AK parts, the market is pure retard right now!
My wife and I were at a lock store getting another FOB for our new vehicle and we were looking at their safes, and she wanted a gun safe with a code that would be easier to input "in an emergency" So I asked her "What emergency? an intruder? You think they're gonna let you punch in a code to get your gun out? That shit will be loaded, with one in the chamber, next to where we sleep." "But what if our nieces and nephews come over? "We keep the guns on us. It makes no sense to lock up our self defense tools." For the record, anything that isn't for immediate self-defense should probably be stored safely. But locking up your means of stopping a home invasion? Lunacy!
Well on top of it we have a house alarm, doors windows, cameras inside and out. That alarm goes off the first thing I do is shut and lock my bedroom door, hit the 3 digit code that immediately opens the safe where both guns are locked and loaded. We have had dry runs of this . Yes, I even keep alarm on during the day when we am home. My husband keeps one of his guns on him at all times, he has a permit to carry ,I don't. Has one in his man cave and in another bedroom and another in the main part of the house. You're right , there is always a chance we can get caught with our " pants down" but we have tried to cover all bases. I think we are doing a pretty good job without having to live in complete fear.
Replace that Chinese AK-47 with an American made AR, and I'll say the poster is complete.
It's actually the most common gun world wide. In a shit hits the fan world. It would be a better choice. Finding ammo parts etc
Yes, I wondered why someone I know would get an AK. The ammo is easily found, still sealed in Russian 'tuna cans' neatly tissue-wrapped 30 round bundles. Whereas, where I'm at, AR-15 ammo is extremely pricey and hard to find.
Love my AK's over my AR's
I’m pretty sure the Polytech Legend is a solid gun
Yeah, but they're pricey. Did they ever improve those bayonets? The ones I've had over the years were made of cheap steel and WOULD NOT hold an edge.
Side thought.... lately I've been looking for one of those Star Chinese SKS 20-round fixed mags. They used to be available for around $30 or so, but lately I see them going for ridiculous prices over $100.... for a stamped steel mag no less. What's the deal on that anyway?
Bruh, don’t judge, but I just paid $194 for a Tula 40 round bakelite mag in NOS condition just to complete the look on my ZPAP with Serbian red furniture. Good luck finding any AK parts, the market is pure retard right now!
Scoffs in M1A superiority
Well.... got one of those too, so.... hehehehe.....
"This is my rifle, this is my gun. This one's for shooting, this one's for fun."
My favorite t shirt:
Q. Why do you need an AR-15? A. Fuck you...That's why.
My favorite is the one with all the captions being "none of your fucking business"
I have the top two the one on the right thou does not have the wood to my bed . ( safety secured of course)
My wife and I were at a lock store getting another FOB for our new vehicle and we were looking at their safes, and she wanted a gun safe with a code that would be easier to input "in an emergency" So I asked her "What emergency? an intruder? You think they're gonna let you punch in a code to get your gun out? That shit will be loaded, with one in the chamber, next to where we sleep." "But what if our nieces and nephews come over? "We keep the guns on us. It makes no sense to lock up our self defense tools." For the record, anything that isn't for immediate self-defense should probably be stored safely. But locking up your means of stopping a home invasion? Lunacy!
Well on top of it we have a house alarm, doors windows, cameras inside and out. That alarm goes off the first thing I do is shut and lock my bedroom door, hit the 3 digit code that immediately opens the safe where both guns are locked and loaded. We have had dry runs of this . Yes, I even keep alarm on during the day when we am home. My husband keeps one of his guns on him at all times, he has a permit to carry ,I don't. Has one in his man cave and in another bedroom and another in the main part of the house. You're right , there is always a chance we can get caught with our " pants down" but we have tried to cover all bases. I think we are doing a pretty good job without having to live in complete fear.
Because Liberal/communism has made anarchy the law and i do not make a very good victim.
I only need one. And that's to take out commies.
They can have the AK. I'll take the scope rifle. Be dropping them at 800 yards