posted ago by Darwyn ago by Darwyn +27 / -0


So a pilot and passenger have both had problems in the air right after being vaccinated. It is well known that pressure differences while diving in deep water or flying at high altitudes can have a dramatic effect on a persons blood gasses, pressure, etc, etc... which I would assume can exacerbate a blood clotting issue.

So hear me out... is it possible the airlines(and via them the cabal) started to notice an increase in the number of medical incidents while in the air. Which they probibly covered up. They then decided that it would be best if as few people as possible were flying in order to prevent it from highlighting how dangerous the clot shot really is. Nothing would draw more attention to the danger than just a handful of people keeling over dead mid flight.

So some creative little gremlin says hey all the pilots are pissed off about the mandate we've been having minor staffing shortages, why don't we just make that worse and cancel thousands of flights, then no one will be in the air and if they aren't flying they can't die from pressure issues etc. Problem solved.

Then we can even throw around misplaced blame and make those stupid Q-tards believe they've caught us in a lie. The weather is the problem. Haha... boy aren't they stupid.

I'm just say'n... what if it was about grounding the planes all along??? A double head fake???