But we dont know if it was one, many,or several batches.
You're right. We don't. But only because I don't believe the data hasn't been fraudulently manufactured. At face value we do know the efficacy in totality.
And I get that you don't get why ignoring a negative outcome is fruitless, but it is. Where there is a pattern, or an explanation to explore, sure. In that case you have a testable hypothesis. Something falsifiable to pursue. But without that you've got nothing to work from. You stick it in the back of your head to wonder about, and if an explanation or pattern does develop you jump on it. But one failed experiment? No.
And the other reason for no is that this happens all the time. And not because the scientists are bad or don't know what they are doing, but because that's the absolute nature of front line science. Biological science in particular is a great example of this too. There are so many complex systems interacting that it's impossible to control for them all. People are going to have different health states, genetics, diets and other outwards presenting differences that you try desperately to control for, as well as undetectable differences in their blood sugar at that moment, where in their circadian rythm they are, different liver and adrenal levels, and organ by organ differences in celular expression that you can never in a hundred years even know to want to control for let alone the ability to.
Experiments just fail. They don't work the way you expect. A normal positive experiment can often have an inexplicable outlier that you can never repeat. And you'll waste an eternity trying to get to the bottom of your weekly odd result. So this confuses you, and confuses this newly minted pfizer scientist, but it doesn't confuse me or the pfizer boss.
Until you have a pattern or a testable explanation, you have to accept the 'L' and let power of statistics do it's job.
I totally understand. I just dont see how not attempting to find the root cause and trying to repeat it should be automatically a no, specific to the case of the Covid vaccines.
Given the scale, every outlier that cannot be explained could mean thousands of deaths.
There is definately more information needed. I hope there is a full video release later that will add some info. At the very least this needs investigated thoroughly to ensure no one was cutting corners to get approvals.
I suspect you didn't read it. Or you skimmed it. Or you turned your brain off and never honestly considered anything I wrote because you're not of an inclination to ever have your mind changed unless you want it to be.
It is plenty though. One outlier is absolutely a nothing burger. It's such a common thing. I don't even understand what you're imagining that could make this a big deal.
We know the efficacy numbers for the vaccine are pointless when there's a 99.8% survival rate (even higher if you don't have two or more comorbidities).
P.S. You need to let the power of grammar do its job, and then you won't need to let the "power of statistics do it is job."
But as an aside, English is a retarded language and I don't sweat the rote memorization.
IT'S makes perfect sense to me. John's job. Caleb's Job. It's job.
"But that's not how we do things." Fuck your convention, my mind is wired by logic, not backwards tradition. Seriosuly if dinging someone on one spelling error thousands deep, maybe you need to rethink how strong your assertions really are. It's not like I have red squigglies to help me when I'm firing these quickly written walls of text out.
As for for your only meaningful critique - the efficacy numbers and the survival rate, I agree with you. The vaccine is dumb. There's no point to it. But then, there's no point to you noting that because it doesn't contradict any of my assertions or support any of yours.
The vaccine hijacks one's cellular machinery and turns it into a spike protein factory and you're a gigantic faggot for even arguing in support of "science."
I'm a faggot for arguing in support of science (?)
Congrats, that's the dumbest thing I've heard in a decade. Maybe #2 in my whole life. You've beat out all the liberals. Absolutely amazing. I should mail you a trophy.
Just because the vaccine is horse shit, and scientists are responsible for farbricating the data and peddling it to the public doesn't mean that SCIENCE is at fault. By that logic you must also condemn all of christianity because a couple priests decided to stick their dicks of the assholes of small boys.
As for me, I just the value of christianity on it's unperverted principles, much like I judge science on it's unperverted principles. And as I have explained, experiments return inexplicable outliers all the time, so it isn't unusual or in error to tally those outliers, shrug your shoulders, and work from the summation of all data rather than chasing every wild goose that waddles by.
You're right. We don't. But only because I don't believe the data hasn't been fraudulently manufactured. At face value we do know the efficacy in totality.
And I get that you don't get why ignoring a negative outcome is fruitless, but it is. Where there is a pattern, or an explanation to explore, sure. In that case you have a testable hypothesis. Something falsifiable to pursue. But without that you've got nothing to work from. You stick it in the back of your head to wonder about, and if an explanation or pattern does develop you jump on it. But one failed experiment? No.
And the other reason for no is that this happens all the time. And not because the scientists are bad or don't know what they are doing, but because that's the absolute nature of front line science. Biological science in particular is a great example of this too. There are so many complex systems interacting that it's impossible to control for them all. People are going to have different health states, genetics, diets and other outwards presenting differences that you try desperately to control for, as well as undetectable differences in their blood sugar at that moment, where in their circadian rythm they are, different liver and adrenal levels, and organ by organ differences in celular expression that you can never in a hundred years even know to want to control for let alone the ability to.
Experiments just fail. They don't work the way you expect. A normal positive experiment can often have an inexplicable outlier that you can never repeat. And you'll waste an eternity trying to get to the bottom of your weekly odd result. So this confuses you, and confuses this newly minted pfizer scientist, but it doesn't confuse me or the pfizer boss.
Until you have a pattern or a testable explanation, you have to accept the 'L' and let power of statistics do it's job.
I totally understand. I just dont see how not attempting to find the root cause and trying to repeat it should be automatically a no, specific to the case of the Covid vaccines.
Given the scale, every outlier that cannot be explained could mean thousands of deaths.
There is definately more information needed. I hope there is a full video release later that will add some info. At the very least this needs investigated thoroughly to ensure no one was cutting corners to get approvals.
I just told you why several times.
I suspect you didn't read it. Or you skimmed it. Or you turned your brain off and never honestly considered anything I wrote because you're not of an inclination to ever have your mind changed unless you want it to be.
No, I understand what you wrote and it was an excellent explanation. I was not attempting to challenge your knowledge.
There is not enough information to say if what is in the video is.of great importance or if it is a nothing burger.
It is plenty though. One outlier is absolutely a nothing burger. It's such a common thing. I don't even understand what you're imagining that could make this a big deal.
We know the efficacy numbers for the vaccine are pointless when there's a 99.8% survival rate (even higher if you don't have two or more comorbidities).
P.S. You need to let the power of grammar do its job, and then you won't need to let the "power of statistics do it is job."
Also, rhythm is not spelled rythm, you big dummy.
Where do you think, "yeah but you spelled this word wrong" falls?
But as an aside, English is a retarded language and I don't sweat the rote memorization.
IT'S makes perfect sense to me. John's job. Caleb's Job. It's job.
"But that's not how we do things." Fuck your convention, my mind is wired by logic, not backwards tradition. Seriosuly if dinging someone on one spelling error thousands deep, maybe you need to rethink how strong your assertions really are. It's not like I have red squigglies to help me when I'm firing these quickly written walls of text out.
As for for your only meaningful critique - the efficacy numbers and the survival rate, I agree with you. The vaccine is dumb. There's no point to it. But then, there's no point to you noting that because it doesn't contradict any of my assertions or support any of yours.
The vaccine hijacks one's cellular machinery and turns it into a spike protein factory and you're a gigantic faggot for even arguing in support of "science."
I'm a faggot for arguing in support of science (?)
Congrats, that's the dumbest thing I've heard in a decade. Maybe #2 in my whole life. You've beat out all the liberals. Absolutely amazing. I should mail you a trophy.
Just because the vaccine is horse shit, and scientists are responsible for farbricating the data and peddling it to the public doesn't mean that SCIENCE is at fault. By that logic you must also condemn all of christianity because a couple priests decided to stick their dicks of the assholes of small boys.
As for me, I just the value of christianity on it's unperverted principles, much like I judge science on it's unperverted principles. And as I have explained, experiments return inexplicable outliers all the time, so it isn't unusual or in error to tally those outliers, shrug your shoulders, and work from the summation of all data rather than chasing every wild goose that waddles by.