I'm always pulling punches in my dreams but sometimes I get to let loose.
I watch Hocus pocus knowing full well what it was about and then I had that dream. I think I'm going to watch it again to see if there's any comms but I'll wait until after Halloween
It's just hard to watch it
I had a dream where I beat the living shit out of the hocus pocus character Winifred It was a very good dream.
I'm sure there's a special place in hell for her where she won't be sucking the lives out of little children
When I throw punches in dreams they are soooooo slow. How do you get around that. Mine take literal ages
I'm always pulling punches in my dreams but sometimes I get to let loose.
I watch Hocus pocus knowing full well what it was about and then I had that dream. I think I'm going to watch it again to see if there's any comms but I'll wait until after Halloween It's just hard to watch it