Are you drunk? How was I talking shit? I'm warning you that this is a website anyone can post a "grave" to, there is no verification. If you share it, you will get debunked. I won't be replying further to this thread, because you are actively seeking confrontation, for no reason.
Dude quit being a douche. It's a valid argument. You don't need to go fucking nuclear and be like "PROVE ME WRONG FAGGOT". Maybe, just maybe, you're being a little bitch about it and maybe you need to chill the fuck out. We're all on the same fucking team and you're not helping the cause by being a total Karen about it. I think you need to take a break from the GAW for awhile and gather yourself. There's something hinky going on with Tiffany and we all know that. What exactly is going on is honestly speculation at this point until we get the absolutely unquestionable truth. Fuck bro. You're just being a dick. Either that or you're a troll I haven't decided yet. Either way, wrong attitude. Try again
Lol you must be a snowflake or something for being triggered by everyone on here. All I'm saying is that civilized discussion about it is encouraged not calling everyone a retard who doesn't agree with you. That's what the left does you fucking low IQ prick. But hey you keep being a toxic little troll bitch lol. That's on you man. I still think you need a break from here. You seem a little tense 😂
Also unless you can 100 percent prove that she's dead, it's speculation. And it would be highly arrogant of you to assume your opinion and research on Tiffany is the most definitive answer. If someone comes up with something like say "that website could have entries made by anyone", then wouldn't it be very Q of us to check it out and question everything? I'm not disputing that she's 6 feet under because I thought that months ago when I saw it on TV. I was merely pointing out that you don't need to be a small dick smooth brain about it. CIVILIZED DISCUSSION IS ENCOURAGED. Not screaming "retard" when your point of view is questioned. So in fact I'm not incredibly stupid for questioning and wanting a little digging done, but you are incredibly stupid for thinking we'll take the information you provide as gospel. Get bent troll lol. Deport till you can figure your shit out bro
Are you drunk? How was I talking shit? I'm warning you that this is a website anyone can post a "grave" to, there is no verification. If you share it, you will get debunked. I won't be replying further to this thread, because you are actively seeking confrontation, for no reason.
Dude quit being a douche. It's a valid argument. You don't need to go fucking nuclear and be like "PROVE ME WRONG FAGGOT". Maybe, just maybe, you're being a little bitch about it and maybe you need to chill the fuck out. We're all on the same fucking team and you're not helping the cause by being a total Karen about it. I think you need to take a break from the GAW for awhile and gather yourself. There's something hinky going on with Tiffany and we all know that. What exactly is going on is honestly speculation at this point until we get the absolutely unquestionable truth. Fuck bro. You're just being a dick. Either that or you're a troll I haven't decided yet. Either way, wrong attitude. Try again
Lol you must be a snowflake or something for being triggered by everyone on here. All I'm saying is that civilized discussion about it is encouraged not calling everyone a retard who doesn't agree with you. That's what the left does you fucking low IQ prick. But hey you keep being a toxic little troll bitch lol. That's on you man. I still think you need a break from here. You seem a little tense 😂
Also unless you can 100 percent prove that she's dead, it's speculation. And it would be highly arrogant of you to assume your opinion and research on Tiffany is the most definitive answer. If someone comes up with something like say "that website could have entries made by anyone", then wouldn't it be very Q of us to check it out and question everything? I'm not disputing that she's 6 feet under because I thought that months ago when I saw it on TV. I was merely pointing out that you don't need to be a small dick smooth brain about it. CIVILIZED DISCUSSION IS ENCOURAGED. Not screaming "retard" when your point of view is questioned. So in fact I'm not incredibly stupid for questioning and wanting a little digging done, but you are incredibly stupid for thinking we'll take the information you provide as gospel. Get bent troll lol. Deport till you can figure your shit out bro
stop bitching , go touch some grass.