Does anyone have any sources that break down how bringing in a self induced civil war or economy collapse triggers a financial change to Socialism?
I know Glenn Beck covers the Great Reset constantly, but I'm looking for a breakdown on how or what strategy would be used once a war or economic collapse is then manipulated into the new world economy.
It's to help red pill people and education.
DevilDog, the best is to look up how the Bolsheviks took down the Russian Royal Family, and using Marxist tools, education/propaganda/brainwashing, murder, gulags, and economics formulated the USSR. But in a nutshell Communism is supposed to equalize the economy and wages across the board. Everyone makes the same no matter the job, and everything costs the same. All while the Military and Politicians become very rich off the back of the “equalized” populous and rule with a murderous iron fist. You can also research how the Khmer Rogue even more brutally created a communist Utopia. Have them watch The Killing Fields. They’ll be crying when done.