Does anyone have any sources that break down how bringing in a self induced civil war or economy collapse triggers a financial change to Socialism?
I know Glenn Beck covers the Great Reset constantly, but I'm looking for a breakdown on how or what strategy would be used once a war or economic collapse is then manipulated into the new world economy.
It's to help red pill people and education.
From the start I have been viewing our situation through the lense of the communist takeover of Cambodia.
The lie they were sold at the beginning was "just three days to avoid the bombing". Everyone was forced to leave the city for "just three days" because the city was going to be bombed by the USA.
The order didn't really make sense, but everybody went along with it peacefully because remaining in the city was prohibited with instant execution for anyone who dared refuse. Additionally, no one could believe that a fellow Cambodian would do anything really terrible to another Cambodian (they weren't barbarians, they were a civilized country).
That's how the ball got rolling. Once everyone was out of the city, things got tough, but there were frequent offers made whereby the people were given a chance to improve their situations and get back to "normal": using their technical skills to improve the country or relocating to an area with better conditions and greater food production.
These offers always negatively affected those who took the bait. Those admitting to possessing technical skills were executed, and those trying to get to a better location usually found themselves in a worse place (they were lied to) and frequently were separated from various family members in the process.
The whole project was an exercise in eliminating undesirable people from the population. The technique used saw that no one recognized that they were on the hill to die on until that hill was already fading from view in the rearview mirror.
The damage caused to the country is still felt today -- more than 40 years later.
In my opinion, three days to avoid the bombing = 15 days to slow the spread. That's what got the ball rolling, and that was probably the hill to die on -- but we (most of the population) didn't know it at the time. The order to shut down didn't really make a lot of sense if one stopped to think about it, but it's not like we really had a lot of choice in the matter anyway: once the herd was moving, everyone was carried along in the current.
Since then we have heard many promises of what we could do to get back to "normal", but each time the bait is taken, we find ourselves in a worse position than before. Much of the population has not yet even realized that there ever was a hill to die on back 19 months ago, and it will be some time before they recognize their perilous situation, and by that time it will be too late to do anything about it.
Like Cambodia, this whole exercise is about eliminating undesirable people from the population. Socialism/communism is not the goal. It's the tool.