Anything at all that can confirm the date these were taken?
I was in Germany for Uncle Sugar a long time ago, and this kind of convoy movement was very routine. But that red flag displayed like that was certainly not.
A date and exact location for that photo would be ideal.
Vessel Flag, Corps of Engineers. This flag is also authorized to be flown on land by Corps of Engineers facilities that are not located on Army installations.
I have always thought red castle referred (at least in some references) to Citadel Securities in Chicago. Citadel is a castle. They are engaged in unlawful and evil practices, and the Red refers to them being drained from the short squeeze of Gamestop.
Anything at all that can confirm the date these were taken?
I was in Germany for Uncle Sugar a long time ago, and this kind of convoy movement was very routine. But that red flag displayed like that was certainly not.
A date and exact location for that photo would be ideal.
That is why I have waited, the original poster has not responded. Let me tin eye it.
0 it's new.
I checked tineye and google image search, same result.
Thank you, please update the post if you learn more.
We are all ready!
Bobble-head in the passenger window? Can't make out who it's supposed to be..
Could just be a water bottle leaning against the glass? Although it does seem oddly prominent
It’s a water bottle
I believe it is the limited addition "La Aqua" superhero bobble-head.
I am waiting on the source information...all day so far. I will post it when I get it. There are two more photos. Links below:
Every link on this post doesn't work anymore for me?
Anyone got any other sauces?
It's an anonup link. This links to the post. See if it works.
Thanks I'll try it.
He’s crossing the line FYI.
It's a Corps of Engineers vessel flag.
Vessel Flag, Corps of Engineers. This flag is also authorized to be flown on land by Corps of Engineers facilities that are not located on Army installations.
Going by the bumper numbers this vehicle is from Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, Regimental Engineering Squadron, 2nd Cav.
According to the RES website they're located at Tower Barracks Grafenwohr, Bavaria, GE.
Number 87 on the grill.
(When you click Qdrop 2835 above, open the >>5286402 to see)
Q has said double meanings exist:
I have always thought red castle referred (at least in some references) to Citadel Securities in Chicago. Citadel is a castle. They are engaged in unlawful and evil practices, and the Red refers to them being drained from the short squeeze of Gamestop.
(Gamestop = Game Over?)
☝🏼 This is the way!
"I'd gladly pay you Wednesday for a White Castle today" 😁