I had an amazing secular Jewish music teacher when I was young. He loved medieval history and was always quietly trying to redpill me (probably about the cabal) without me noticing.
He had a huge depth of knowledge such as you would find in some anons here. He died a little over 10 years ago and I really miss him.
He's say things like "Are you a Jacobite, your name sounds like it?" Then he'd add some factoids about Jacobite royals before lighting up a rolled cigarette by leaning over the gas hob.
I had an amazing secular Jewish music teacher when I was young. He loved medieval history and was always quietly trying to redpill me (probably about the cabal) without me noticing. He had a huge depth of knowledge such as you would find in some anons here. He died a little over 10 years ago and I really miss him.
He's say things like "Are you a Jacobite, your name sounds like it?" Then he'd add some factoids about Jacobite royals before lighting up a rolled cigarette by leaning over the gas hob.
He was irreplaceable!