There are many things wrong with Canada that need to be fixed (many of these same things are shared by most other countries). I list them here so readers don't think I have a blind spot for my home country:
- Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is an evil, pedophile globalist puppet
- The elections in Canada are rigged
- Trudeau actively supports the DS/NWO agenda (pro-LBGTQ, CRT, open borders, CV19 hoax, lockdowns, vax mandates, close relations with CCP, anti guns, anti-Christian, anti-Trump, etc)
- The judicial system is highly compromised
- The federal law enforcement organization, RCMP is compromised
- Regional politicians (Premiers, mayors and local MPs) are mostly controlled through rigged elections.
Here are some things that Canadians are NOT:
- We are not an "Enemy state of the USA". We have maintained (and continue to maintain strong political, economic and social relationships with the USA (over our 154 year history as a country).
- We are not a weak-minded people that don't know what is going on (yes, we have our share of sheeple here too). We are oppressed by the tyrannical NWO cabal.
- We are not pussies. There are many examples of Canadians that have stood up to the tyrants (Artur Pawlowski , James Coates and Chris Sky (and there are many others).
- We are not disloyal to the USA. We have stood by the United States throughout our history and continue to do so. The average Canadian citizen is a hard-working, tax-paying person that is bewildered by the oppressive leftist agenda that is destroying our country. We love our brothers and sisters in the USA.
- We are not the leftist lunatics and radical LBGTQ proponents that our ruling class elite are. Many of us are God-fearing Christians
Please do not say Canada is an enemy state. That is a false narrative, it is divisive and it is totally disrespectful of the millions of Canadians that are just the same as you.
1- You can call them traitors if you like, your charming term.
2- An exemption is the first step in fighting the jab mandates. How can you sue without documentation? Your circle must be tiny.
3- I did not slam every Canadian, I only referred to those I've had contact with.
4- I broke it off with my fiance because I felt he was lacking in character, not at all like an American MAN. I did not lie about the mugging question. How dare you, a total stranger, accuse me of lying? I can agree Canada is 'pretty' safe in the wild but Toronto not so much. But here we keep our guns.
5- I KNOW people who try to come to US and income had nothing to do with it. They have several accounts in different countries. They dont live paycheck-to-paycheck like you do.
6-He is back in Canada, all alone, no family left, friends all went their way. He does contact me though. I rent resort properties in 5 states and sorry but I'm all booked.
7-Calling me a liar, evil, shows us all YOUR character, your ignorance, because only those who cant discuss have no alternative but to resort to name calling.
You are one real ass. They are traitors if they wont fight for their own country isnt that what you called Americans who ran to Canada to escape being drafted. An exemption is the cowards way out of the vax the courageous way is by saying no and if they fire you they fire you. You did slam every Canadian moron go back and read what you wrote. Your fiance does not have the character American men have, really? Isnt that what I saw for the last year in BLM and Antifa your courageous American men. You need to get out of your house and take a look around I think. You know people that come to US and income has nothing to do with it, I call absolute BS. If they have money they dont need to ask they can just go cant they. I highly doubt he has no friends or familiy that is another way Canadians are different. Most dont hold it against you if you have a different view that is a US thing not Canadian. I should know all my friends and all my family and my husbands family are all vaccinated and there is no division here. You are the one that is evil by slamming a country to start with. Sounds like you are 100% moron and no one that rents property in 5 states is going to have the time to sit on GAW. By the way ass I dont live pay to pay we retired a few months ago and moved from Toronto to an Island. The same Toronto where I have walked down the street many times by myself. I am guessing you have never even been to Toronto or you would know it is actually the safest big city in the world.