My cache contains all the basics(food, water, fuel, paper products, jars, etc.)
But what other kinds of stuff would you guys recommend getting before availability goes to 0%?
I've been trying to order any parts for my car that I might need in the next few years
Thanks in advance
Ive prepped for years too and a couple of tips. Get your important documents into waterproof folders - make sure they are placed in paper bags to seperate them so as to not stick together, photo copy them too and store these copies in wife’s bag, husband’s bag, older child’s bag etc. in case you get separated. Take several pics of you with your pet/s. Attach these laminated pics to your luggage Also put their documents with your originals. If you and your pets are separated, having a pic of you with them will quickly confirm ownership. Lots of pets can be stolen in times of panic. Another must is to store near your ‘bug out bags’ is your pets carry crate and spare collars, leads etc. I would also get your cat used to a harness and the moment SHTF get your pets into a harness and get them ready to go. They should be the first to be placed in the vehicle, or if on foot, a harnessed cat is easier to carry than in a crate. I’m sure many Preppers have watched this doco. It’s called American Blackout and it was done by National Geographic. It was woven around an actual grid Down/failure a few years back. There is also a one called UK/Britain Backout. As preppers, we have gleaned info from people worldwide that have been in the collapse of their society and how they survived.
American Blackout, sounds perfect. Thanks for the info
Not a nice subject, but it gives you an idea of just how quickly society disintegrates. It was put together with actual footage of people caught in lifts, in hi rise apartments and the mentality that someone would be there to help them soon. It’s interspersed with actors taking on different scenarios.