In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.
-that means the current test isn't differentiating between the 'rona and the 'flu
CDC is recommending that laboratories that routinely conduct influenza testing as well as COVID-19 testing, such as public health laboratories, consider transitioning to a test that can generate a result for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2, rather than running separate tests for each virus.
That's really funny!
You are saying that the CDC recommends a technique that cannot distinguish 'rona from 'flu to save on running separate tests?
You are reading this ass covering stuff wrong. They are pulling the test because it isn't specific enough and it can't tell between 'rona and 'flu. That's a bug not a feature!
The PCR test by it's nature will never be a reliable diagnostic test for disease. It amplifies short chains of genetic material by so many times that it is easily produces false positives at high cycle thresholds. it can't tel hte difference between old dead bits of virus o something similar and a live infection.
They actually used it because it is a crap test and you can turn the cycle count up and down to get the proportion of positive results which you want.
if you are serious, learn to read between the lines.
If you are a disinfo person, go away!
Kary Mulllis the PCR technique inventor said that a PCR is unsuitable for diagnosis. I think he was right.
That’s irrelevant to the current versions of the PCR tests being used
I think the FDA is right
Here the CDC says why it is withdrawing the PCR test:
-that means the current test isn't differentiating between the 'rona and the 'flu
That's really funny!
You are saying that the CDC recommends a technique that cannot distinguish 'rona from 'flu to save on running separate tests?
You are reading this ass covering stuff wrong. They are pulling the test because it isn't specific enough and it can't tell between 'rona and 'flu. That's a bug not a feature!
The PCR test by it's nature will never be a reliable diagnostic test for disease. It amplifies short chains of genetic material by so many times that it is easily produces false positives at high cycle thresholds. it can't tel hte difference between old dead bits of virus o something similar and a live infection. They actually used it because it is a crap test and you can turn the cycle count up and down to get the proportion of positive results which you want.
if you are serious, learn to read between the lines. If you are a disinfo person, go away!