Secretary of Navy threatens Navy Seals ..... ummmm.... does he really think that's a good idea?
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Let me think, these guys are trained to sneak in and eliminate targets in the dark of the night and are some of the best trained in the world.
Are they really the guys you want to piss off?
I certainly hope so, this could be fun to watch.
These guys are trained to run on broken legs and swim in their underwear naked in the ocean off the coast of Alaska because the boss man told them to do it. I think if somebody higher up ordered them to put their rifle in their mouth, pull the charging handle back, turn the safety off, and squeeze the trigger, a number of them would probably do it almost out of reflex. I don't know if we should place our faith in them resisting this order.
These guys have sworn an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. They are also highly intelligent and capable individuals. Give them and unconstitutional mandate, and threaten their fellow civilian citizens with the same mandate, while twisting the knife with bullshit like making them pay for their own training, and they will not stand for it.
The cops who will go door to door to haul you off to the camps took that same oath, too.
Most real police won't participate in that. That is why they were pushing to defund the police last summer. They know they will not comply with the tyrannical communist bullshit they have in store.