This OANN.COM video (‘The Story Of Ivermectin’ Sheds Light On The History & Benefits Of The Drug) does a LOT more than the title suggests. Yes, it's a great review of Ivermectin's stellar history and benefits and is worth watching (and sending to your vax-considering friends) but it's much more than that.
The last few minutes focus on the CRIMINALITY of those involved in suppressing Ivermectin and pushing the useless Remdesivir and, ultimately deliberately causing "hundreds of thousands, possibly even millions" of deaths world-wide.
This production does all but call for arrests of the perps. My wife and I watched this at dinner and were stunned. Best of all, One America News Network has a huge and growing audience:
"The latest USA Today/Suffolk poll shows that only a third of Trump voters now consider Fox News as their 'most trusted source of news.' That is down from 58 percent back in 2016. David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, was blunt: The switch from Fox to Newsmax and One America News Network (OANN) is 'a seismic shift in the landscape of trusted news sources for conservatives.'" [Bold added]
This is good we should have lists of all the collaborators of this genocide, hell we should also have a list of known communists as well and any other type of globalist scum.
Ignorant but pushed the narative=5 years min and all assets stripped.
Complicit in pushing the lies and got money through it=life imprisonment or death and all assets stripped
They will all pay for their crimes