Vstablegenius45 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think einstein is the first of the manufactured celeb fake scientists like neil tyson is in the modern era.

Vstablegenius45 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember reading something which i think got suppressed was company a number of years back, that could track people who were covered completely by measuring the ratio of the length of arms and legs and body as they were considered unique enough to be able to fingerprint so to speak. Never seen anyone else mention it since so either it worked well and they memory holed it or it did not work as well as they said.

Vstablegenius45 11 points ago +11 / -0

Reddit is fake and gay, its mostly bots and paid shills. Its just another arm of the fake news/cabal.

Its a dead place and not reality, just look at how twitter is now leftys get ratio'd to death and are losing 24/7, the left can only thrive under a completely controlled environment.

Vstablegenius45 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would assume all the top players are blackmailed so would be easy to control. With all we know about how people like epstein, diddy and many others operated why would they not also target big name athletes also.

Vstablegenius45 6 points ago +6 / -0

I remember watching i think it might have been MTV Cribs at the playboy mansion and hefner made a big deal about his movie collection which they showed this huge room full of old reels stacked up everywhere made me think now they were showing it as a hidden in plain sight type thing. Now we know he was filming everyone it kinda makes more sense as a inside joke thing for themselves. Cant find the full episode of that any more guess they scrubbed it.

Vstablegenius45 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think from what i read it was Andrew Koenig the son of star trek actor Walter Koenig. He died of "suicide" in 2010

Wiki Andrew Koenig

His father does have a creepy vibe about him imo

Vstablegenius45 10 points ago +10 / -0

A big space laser burning a Q into the middle of DC :)

Vstablegenius45 2 points ago +2 / -0

Skywire can be used as a proxy and also a VPN, its still early days but for example you could use it connect two computers over the internet and have a secure connection. The Meshnet is meant to run over the top of the internet or from point to point wifi links.

At the moment you get few Skycoin per node up to 8 nodes, not huge money at the current price but in the time i have done it i have made more money than the 8 raspberry pis cost and the power to run them, not life changing but still fun.

Vstablegenius45 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel that bitcoin will never become cash as it has too many flaws, but do think it will remain a store of value like a digital gold. One of the biggest problems is the 51% attack which as one group already controls over 51% and all the mining hardware is only made by a few people that is a big problem for the future. They have already been messing with transactions and there is a lot of involvement with blackrock and such to subvert Bitcoin by controlling the mining operations which need loans from blackrock to start up, they could start to deny certain wallet addresses and transactions if they had enough of the hashpower. I do hope that is not what happens but there are a lot of dark forces at work.

One of the original developers for Bitcoin Synth ended up creating Skycoin to solve the problems of bitcoin, one of the reasons they got rid of mining is they knew that if there was a incentive to mess with the mining and transactions that is what would happen. You can get Skycoin for running nodes on the Skywire meshnet which is going to be a replacement for the current broken internet, secure and encrypted each packet looks identical so you cannot do deep packet inspection. They are also designing open source hardware, they made there own wallet, various prototype routers and such, how many other projects have even made anything.

The project has suffered many attacks over the years, the new yorker ran fake news article about it as did others, the people behind this have been threatening Synth and his family for years, he is currently suing them all for this.

But they have continued development and Synth is a great man that hates the cabal as much as we do but does not believe in Q strangely but he wants the same sorts of things as we do and is always talking about the cabal and what they are upto, he has never quit no matter what. How many other projects are still even going after all these years.

Its one of my favorite projects in crypto even if has not made me rich haha, just the ideas behind it could solve so many of the problems we face. I know i sound like a shill but i don't care if people got behind this project and helped Synth we could have a whole different future. To me its not about the "moons" but the future of the internet and i do not see anyone else that is even trying to solve these problems.

Also you can install Skywire meshnet on a raspberry pi or similar and get a small amount of rewards but you can be helping make a better world. Anyway that is my soapbox for the day.

Skycoin Website

Skywire Github

Vstablegenius45 5 points ago +5 / -0

In the book "The Body Electric - Robert Becker" they showed that they could heal people and regrow damaged tissue by using small electrical currents and silver electrodes, the book talks about how he figured out the way amphibians regrow limbs and replicated that in humans.

One of the cases that was successful was a man who had his legs crushed and they were going to amputate so he volunteered to have this experiment done on him, Now the guys legs were just basically to bags of crushed bones and cartilage, over time his legs healed and he could walk again even though that should not be possible.

They would not let him publish any of this in medical journals, so he published his results elsewhere. This is something that was hidden away and they also would not give him funding and did everything they could to stop it from going further.

I think the Med bed's are a evolution of that but probably more advanced but i think there is some truth to them.

Vstablegenius45 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree it will be crazy and a lot will perish if such a thing happens but i think the no law and order thing cuts both ways.

i don't think these gangs will last very long with 100million armed Americans, gangs are protected by law and order if it was open season on every scumbag they would not last long, bit like how the wild west ended quickly or what happened in the Philippines.

I don't think that will happen though as Q is trying to do things to minimize the damage so we don't end up in apocalypse.

Although its always good to prepared and if i have to go out like scarface i will be okay with that haha.

Vstablegenius45 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't trust jones but i know the left hate him so it will be funny to see he back on twitter.

The enemy of my enemy and all that :)

Vstablegenius45 10 points ago +10 / -0

God bless that man, i would do the same.

Vstablegenius45 1 point ago +1 / -0

The russians called it sexual communism and also helped pushed it to help destroy America and the family unit.

Vstablegenius45 4 points ago +4 / -0

One of the big things is the amount of lithium needed for the batteries and the amount that is easily available. Last i checked there is 88million tons of lithium with only a 1/4 of that easily available, its also a massive ecological disaster too wherever its processed and needs massive amounts of water, which pollutes the water table.

Batteries can be recycled but your only going to get 50% back at most, so the demand for lithium would grow, every 5-10 years your going to need a new battery.

That is not to say if they try to use lithium batteries for grid storage for solar and wind also will take up the supply of lithium.

I think the whole EV thing is so they can limit the amount of cars on the road to reduce people being able to travel, with the limited amount of lithium say in 10 years of using up the lithium its going to get even harder to replace your batteries.

Now if some miracle battery comes along this would change but it does not look that good overall.

Vstablegenius45 1 point ago +1 / -0

Binance has always been dodgy also were running a bucket shop and manipulating coins to get more money for transactions.

Good to see them get some pain coming their way.

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