Case in point. There are truths that we hold so dear in the truth community. Bushes being "just as bad as Obama and Clinton" being one of them. When that exact line of thinking turns out to be propaganda fed to us by Clowns.
Reconcile why Reagan would draw a comic of 6 Turkeys atop an Elephant "Don't let the turkeys get you down" as his president transition letter if Bush Sr. was Clown. Reconcile why the Media sought to destroy Bush Sr and sink his bid for re-election. Reconcile the connection between Saddam Hussein and Al-Waleed.
This Great Awakening is going to put large swathes of the truth community on their ass just like it will normies.
Case in point. There are truths that we hold so dear in the truth community. Bushes being "just as bad as Obama and Clinton" being one of them. When that exact line of thinking turns out to be propaganda fed to us by Clowns.
Reconcile why Reagan would draw a comic of 6 Turkeys atop an Elephant "Don't let the turkeys get you down" as his president transition letter if Bush Sr. was Clown. Reconcile why the Media sought to destroy Bush Sr and sink his bid for re-election. Reconcile the connection between Saddam Hussein and Al-Waleed.
This Great Awakening is going to put large swathes of the truth community on their ass just like it will normies.