Are the vaxxed GMO and no longer qualifying as humans and therefore HAVE NO HUMAN RIGHTS? Thoughts, impressions, feels?
Question proposed while getting input from faraway friends.
Their inability to think makes them that either way. They voluntarily give up their rights.
No they didn't give up their rights voluntarily! They were never told they were going to be genetically modified and not fully human...they were frightened In to taking a jab with no idea what was in it! Count yourself lucky that you knew and stop dissing the unfortunate!
No. They were not told. I don't believe they were even told about side effects because that was unknown until later.
Many still believe the vaccines are FDA tested, safe and approved. Even the medical community thinks this.
They are fools and idiots, but they did not know. They COULD have known. And for that failure they are guilty.
What makes you give such a very harsh statemet? Look back ...have you ever had a vaccination? I am betting you have.....there was a lot of shit in that as there has been in every vaxx including aborted fetus baby cells ...taken from a viable baby with its blood supply intact and organs cut out while it was alive with no painkillers etc. You didn't know that ...just like these vaxxed didn't if you ever were vaxxed you too chose convenience and safety over liberty. So whose is the psychopath now?