This chess game has two players. Do not discount the moves of the opposition. We witnessed how far they are willing to go to win, now that they know they can do it without punishment, or cost, they will be willing to take it to any level required to win.
Our enemy has bioweapons they can unleash at anytime. They have nukes to use as they deem necessary. They have advanced AI to delude the masses to take any path they choose.
We are the underdog in the extreme. Our chance of course reversal is infinitesimal. Intervention by God, is our only hope.
we will win in 2022 they will not be able to get away with it
This chess game has two players. Do not discount the moves of the opposition. We witnessed how far they are willing to go to win, now that they know they can do it without punishment, or cost, they will be willing to take it to any level required to win.
Our enemy has bioweapons they can unleash at anytime. They have nukes to use as they deem necessary. They have advanced AI to delude the masses to take any path they choose.
We are the underdog in the extreme. Our chance of course reversal is infinitesimal. Intervention by God, is our only hope.