There are some things that people around here believe that are not true, and other people around here believe nothing but the basic Q stuff (pedophiles and coming storm)
"Donald Trump is no longer part of the picture. He has played his role, just as Grassley is playing his."
"Joe Biden was part of the plan. The military needed a stolen election, among other travesties, because declas and chaos in the cabal was required to wake up patriots.
"If you are a member of this community, you espouse your beliefs to a concept considered preposterous by normies. Satanic cults, space theories, assassinations, etc are all just as important and just as true as this. Aliens and reptilians are just as real as deformed babies from Bill gates vaccination programs. Open your mind just a tiny bit more and ascend."
"Q knows what is exactly going on. Just because a datefag seems to fail does not mean nothing happened. This month has been RED HOT!"
"There are different levels of awake. The highest level is realizing that the Q dissemination program is the very tip of the iceberg. There is so, so much more. Majestic 12, Biblioteca Pleiades, Crater Earth Theory. Find stuff that is not from lying NASA to disprove that stuff. The Soviets used flat earth theory to get their ships into "space." China is also using "alternative measurements" to launch vehicles into space. And yet NASA stopped going to the moon quite abruptly after 3 years."
Guess how many "odd" movies and video games say "Wake up." Tons. More than you think. Just start watching them. Suddenly you will find yourself waking up. There is so much out there hiding in plain sight. As much hidden cabal symbolism there is in media and the world, there is just as much hidden patriot symbolism. Patriot is NOT defined to America. Patriot is anyone who loves their country and fights for truth and justice. Nuclear war is not nuclear war. Nuclear war is the BOOMs that are coming very soon and as unexpectedly as the coming of Christ.
I hope this gets everyone in gear and united as one in thought and mind and spirit. Together we win. Together we shall end the global cult of satanism. Together we shall make not only America, but the entire world, great again. It is time, my frens. Are you ready? Are you prepared? Are you praying daily? Are you stocking up? Are you asking your Creator for guidance? You will need it when the Storm arrives. Be safe in the cleft of the Rock.
As a disenfranchised liberal, most my friends are still on the "Better Than Trump," train. But slowly, as the devastating changes are hitting our rocky shores, they're starting to realize how slippery it is.
Short staffing was awesome til they found out their local Starbucks is now only open for 3 hours, and during the time they cannot get off. Let's not forget their Pokémon card pre-orders are all in some ship somewhere, making many lose their minds over possible theft or damage.
They act like they're the world's most altruistic, but what's been waking them up is the inconveniences they face from a much deeper problem. And their anxiety is hitting hard.