Mad_Maximo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the "equality falacy" is hard at work here. Theu firmly believe we are all equal in everything, even in opinions they find critical. Hence anyone against the grain is a facist nazi dictator.

Sure, we can have our own favorite color, till green is equated to facism, then better start liking blue.

Mad_Maximo 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's what we want.

They wpuld think this is about tribalism. We don't owe any party shit. They owe us.

Mad_Maximo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, Snowden is going to be vindicated before Trump can even safely touch that topic. Reveals first, then he will likely pardon him shortly afterwards.

Mad_Maximo 3 points ago +3 / -0

They do love their "parties switched" defense on that, always convenient.

Mad_Maximo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sadly, I don't think my family will ever turn around.

My brother had that ban on me since the vaccine and he has been the only one to call. Never picked up after the first time since he wanted me to help him work on his house and never addressed what he did for 3 years.

Mad_Maximo 22 points ago +22 / -0

They're not crying cause they feel anything for anyone.

They are crying cause they are on a list, a list they know should never come for them.

Mad_Maximo 2 points ago +2 / -0

She will likely be a pretty liberal as far as actual Rebublicans go, so your stance may not move far from where you are with her now.

But this and RFK, two major center-left types that were considered Democrat darlings, swapping sides tells much of what the Dems really, and truly are.

Mad_Maximo 3 points ago +3 / -0

My suspicion is they will let him win, allow their party to riot and record it for a few days. Then after enough footage, they will go and attempt imprisonment, then when the MAGA come out in support, they will reuse the footage and declare a state of emergency and attempt to retain control.

Mad_Maximo 3 points ago +3 / -0

He is widely "loved" by millenials due to giving us the miniseries IT with another millenial darling, Tim Curry. Most of my generation love it because we had our first horror icon, and progressive icon rolled into one.

Peak blind consumerism at work here.

Mad_Maximo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, I do plan to consider to improve in other ways. But for now it's the only foreseeable action to take for now.

Shockingly sad though, seeing how little this is and I already have a few people wishing to hop on board. I am not there yet, but it is telling that a simple holiday guarantee is enough for some.

Mad_Maximo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have observed Walmart gaslighting people from not even using their given vacation time, too. Loke all days are blackout days.

Made an oath to myself, and a promise to God; The entire week of Christmas into New Years, off for my entire company once it gets to a point of additional employment outside myself. Does not takeaway from given vacation. It just feels right to at least start there.

Mad_Maximo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Diddy probably had 10k bottles of liquor, and the FBI dodn't seize that.

So why baby oil? Cause it's not baby oil.

Mad_Maximo 2 points ago +2 / -0

There will be more failed attempts, intentionally failing. This is their gambit. This builds more tension, division and contempt for one another. The way they cheer and sneer at every event. This is to push for an unrest to shut down the elections.

Mad_Maximo 8 points ago +8 / -0

That dude's hands were shaking something fierce. What terrified him enough to make him make such a statement?

Mad_Maximo 1 point ago +1 / -0

One attempt that we know of.

Mad_Maximo 1 point ago +1 / -0

All it will take is the family in question would start asking questions. We have plenty of books, movies and video games covering such a scenario.

And that is a probable loose end.

Mad_Maximo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like the Cabal want to start something in Africa now. Shifting gears. Will keep am eye out to see if the MSM starts talking about the fears in Africa now.

Mad_Maximo 4 points ago +4 / -0

"You were not forced, no one shoved the pills down your throat. You merely had consequences of your actions."

I already can hear that spin.

Mad_Maximo 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only thing I loved from the prequel trilogy was the podracing.

Dunno why that, and the game made on the N64 off it, holds such power over me.

They can scorch SW into ashes, compress it into a sheet of gemstones and smash them into dust, and I would still give a new podracing game a try if ever they made one.

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