Let's explore what happens if 98% of vax recipients (or more) are actually getting injected with only saline.
They get compliance, because the death/injury rate is artificially very low (less resistance).
They get large-scale test results, because they know who actually got the vax.
(This is the big one) --> In order to maximize societal and business disruption, the death/injury rate should be at a certain 'sweet spot' (just high enough to warn those that are awake, but low enough to keep the brainwashed masses asleep). If they add/reduce saline to artificially stay at that 'sweet spot', they create two (somewhat) equal camps -- continuously at war with one another.
Note: Once they get compliance, the booster program lets them 'finish off' the plan at any time they choose - (just stop giving out saline).
They may (or may not) be doing this, but it makes for a 'perfect evil plan'.
I think Saline percentage started off with very high - like 98%, and then slowly started getting reduced. Even if they are at 50% now, that explains why high-vax countries have high covid. It would have been even higher had the vaccination been 0% saline, but even at whatever percentage it is now, we are seeing the effects.
BTW, I would refine this theory to say instead of SALINE, they have very low dosage of the vaccine, and as time went on started increasing it.
This also explains why the so called break through is hitting the roof now, where as earlier in the year it wasnt so bad.
Makes sense! Perhaps a smaller amount of mRNA (or whatever else) takes longer to have effects?
I read in some patents in the Karen Kingston video yesterday that they can control the deilvery system for days, weeks and months and can even target specific organs.
Also likely 5G-related...?
I havent seen one objective evidence to prove 5G connection. The scientists who had a big conference going through vaccine microscopy said they will try testing the vaccine contents with different electromagnetic waves and report back. Until someone reports something, I am going to discount 5G