That’s it. The left has made sure nobody kn the side can get anywhere. They openly mock them. Bernie supporters? Hated Hillary but were the obedient communists they are and did as they were told.
That’s what’s scary about all of this. The only reason Trump got to where he is - Ron Paul. The GOP screwed Ron Paul so TONS OF US took part in every local happening and forced changes - those changes allowed Trump in despite the establishment GOP clawing and doing everything they could to stop him.
Make sense?
It’s all corrupted to the core. Why do you think we have 2 parties only? Cuz the other 2 have a monopolist force and shit on any newcomer. That’s why McCaine helped Obama try to smash Trump. Neo-Liberals and Neo-Conservatives are just a figment of the imagination to playcate people into thinking their vote matters.
It’s not your vote that matters as much as you paying attention and inflicting pain by SPEAKING UP
Look at the DOJ! They want to call engaged parents ducking domestic terrorists. Get it?
If you exercise you’re citizenship, even foe your kids, they see you as a threat!!!! This is why the FBI has targetted every single grass roots effort since the 50s!!!
We win by waking people up. We win by going to PTA meetings. We win by making calls and networking and not backing down when shit gets hard. That’s it.
It’s always for the kids. I’m sick of generations leaving their kids to shit and borrowing from the future kf kids yet even born. It’s disgusting.
I still call him Zhou Buyed-Him.
Biden is the worst of the worst.
Look either you have
That’s it. The left has made sure nobody kn the side can get anywhere. They openly mock them. Bernie supporters? Hated Hillary but were the obedient communists they are and did as they were told.
That’s what’s scary about all of this. The only reason Trump got to where he is - Ron Paul. The GOP screwed Ron Paul so TONS OF US took part in every local happening and forced changes - those changes allowed Trump in despite the establishment GOP clawing and doing everything they could to stop him.
Make sense?
It’s all corrupted to the core. Why do you think we have 2 parties only? Cuz the other 2 have a monopolist force and shit on any newcomer. That’s why McCaine helped Obama try to smash Trump. Neo-Liberals and Neo-Conservatives are just a figment of the imagination to playcate people into thinking their vote matters.
It’s not your vote that matters as much as you paying attention and inflicting pain by SPEAKING UP
Look at the DOJ! They want to call engaged parents ducking domestic terrorists. Get it?
If you exercise you’re citizenship, even foe your kids, they see you as a threat!!!! This is why the FBI has targetted every single grass roots effort since the 50s!!!
We win by waking people up. We win by going to PTA meetings. We win by making calls and networking and not backing down when shit gets hard. That’s it.
It’s always for the kids. I’m sick of generations leaving their kids to shit and borrowing from the future kf kids yet even born. It’s disgusting.