I'm a fellow believer so I get what you are saying.
Don't take this the wrong way, because I take my faith and life very seriously;
I feel there's a bit too much
"well, it's in God's hands now....nothing we can / should do"
sentiment from some.
Again; I don't mean you in particular and certainly not ALL fellow Christians, but sometimes I just get that feeling.....
I believe that God didn't put us here to sit idly by and watch evil overtake this world that He created for us.
I certainly don't think God intended us to sit idly by while
I'm going to do some research to gather up some good quotes / examples of how God & our bible are very NOT pacifist, and we should certainly not sit idly by and turn the other cheek, while our world goes to hell......
Further; again; no offense at you, fren; if they didn't have that much power, how are we in the situation we're in?
Things are pretty bad right now.....
I think we can and will win, but I feel you are underestimating our enemy a bit.....
No offense taken. I agree that we shouldn’t underestimate the evil in this world, or the enemy, but we also shouldn’t underestimate the righteousness of God and the Sacrifice that was already paid so that evil doesn’t win. I think the perspective needs to be that this life is not the “be all, end all”. And I do agree that, as Believers, we have a responsibility to see that God’s work and will is done in our Nation and, frankly, the Church has not held up our end of that responsibility. Abortion alone is sad testament to that. We all should be praying about how God would have us step up.
I hear you but again; God didn't create us to sit idly by.
Agree that we shouldn't build our treasures here on earth, but at the same time; God didn't create this earth just to hand it over to satan....
And I have been praying earnestly and often about how I should step up.
Let's just say that God is not dissuading me from the path I see and post often here about....
I'm a fellow believer so I get what you are saying.
Don't take this the wrong way, because I take my faith and life very seriously;
I feel there's a bit too much "well, it's in God's hands now....nothing we can / should do" sentiment from some.
Again; I don't mean you in particular and certainly not ALL fellow Christians, but sometimes I just get that feeling.....
I believe that God didn't put us here to sit idly by and watch evil overtake this world that He created for us.
I certainly don't think God intended us to sit idly by while
I'm going to do some research to gather up some good quotes / examples of how God & our bible are very NOT pacifist, and we should certainly not sit idly by and turn the other cheek, while our world goes to hell......
Further; again; no offense at you, fren; if they didn't have that much power, how are we in the situation we're in?
Things are pretty bad right now.....
I think we can and will win, but I feel you are underestimating our enemy a bit.....
No offense taken. I agree that we shouldn’t underestimate the evil in this world, or the enemy, but we also shouldn’t underestimate the righteousness of God and the Sacrifice that was already paid so that evil doesn’t win. I think the perspective needs to be that this life is not the “be all, end all”. And I do agree that, as Believers, we have a responsibility to see that God’s work and will is done in our Nation and, frankly, the Church has not held up our end of that responsibility. Abortion alone is sad testament to that. We all should be praying about how God would have us step up.
I hear you but again; God didn't create us to sit idly by. Agree that we shouldn't build our treasures here on earth, but at the same time; God didn't create this earth just to hand it over to satan....
And I have been praying earnestly and often about how I should step up.
Let's just say that God is not dissuading me from the path I see and post often here about....