DWACU https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacu
Born on 9/3/2021 Stock price $10.17
DWACW https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacw
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $0.51
DWAC https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwac
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $10.50
Joining webull takes minutes but they are not trading it...looking for options
Try fidelity. I have an order in for dwac
Same here. 1,000 shares on the open market order. Let’s goooo!
Awesome! 🙌🏻🎉
I got in at 12.74. You?
I just checked fidelity is trading all 3.
Got a link for Fidelity (web, Android, Apple)? There are a lot of peeps using that term in their name. Cutting to the chase would be appreciated greatly. EDIT. Found them. US only. Bugger... but take it as a sign that even a KangaPede would put hard money down. Let's take these fuckers out by starting our own party - the day I can tell Google to eat a dick may be closer than I imagined. Goody Gumdrops.
Here’s the link for the apple fidelity app. You should be able to set up an account with them that way. If you have any trouble call their customer service and they will help walk you through it. They have some of the best customer service people I’ve ever talked to so don’t hesitate to call if you need any help. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fidelity-investments/id348177453
Thanks for that. Seems I'm on the wrong side of the Atlantic unfortunately. Been hunting for a decent investment firm of late. So many sharks and shysters to avoid...