The medical industry is by and large a Godless entity. Especially in modern times. The vast majority of doctors out there are like horse with blinders on. They know nothing about the healing properties of food and nutrition. Barely even consider it in their analysis. The only thing they know is prescription drugs. I can't think of another industry that has damaged the United States more than the medical and pharmaceuticals.
And that is taking into consideration the war mongering politicians. Even they don't stand a chance against the mass murder, addiction and mental health destruction that "doctors" cause every year.
And the left went from "health care is a right!" To "health Care is a privilege of the vAcCinAtEd"
The end won't be for everyone makes more and more sense daily.
That's interesting. Like you didn't actually experience the terrible headache part that we all think of with migraines, but it was a different form of the same thing that caused the allergies and such?
Another point of interest is this is yet another example of meds with tangental treatment possibilities that aren’t on the label. We’ve seen this A LOT as of late.