POTUS had to allow all this to happen so the hard headed mulish American People could visually see the Left and company do what they do best: lie, cheat, steal, maim, and murder all that stand against tyranny and evil.
Many people are seeing it,but best time for action is THIS YEAR not 2022, not 2023, not 2024 and definitely NOT 2999. I know you have more faith anon. Ok.
But I am combat-ready quite long. We lost some anons who are no more time waiting. Majority here isn't able to awaken people in exponential scale in fact...
We need something big enough for normies - not for us now...
I still hope the Plan will work,but clock is ticking. Clock is ticking.And it is our doomsday clock.
It looks like promises were given,BIG PROMISES - hope again at least most important one promises will be kept. Otherwise we are DEAD within few years.
Big stake - isn't it ? I have no doubts - community here is doing great work,but we are not awakening people in exponential scale. We need reorganisation or help.
Downvote me if you like. I don't care.I am with you frens whatever you will think about me.u/AReckoningIsComing is wrong.I not missed anything. Faith is great thing,but dire reality is dire reality - clock is ticking. We are assuring ourselves all shit is part of the plan,but plan has to work to make all of this having sense...
There were things being proofs for us.Great. But keeping us believing is not enough if it is white hat operation. So we need something that would awaken normies at least a bit in THIS year,or we have a problem.
I will not downvote for an honest opinion fren. I have to agree: we need BIG HABBENINGS in order to get normies over the trust hump… I think now is the time to prepare our families and friends for the dark days ahead. I see millions of our people stepping into the sun from centuries of sleep and slavery. WE ANONS DID THAT! WE WOKE THEM, NOT TRUMP OR ANYONE ELSE! WE DID THAT! Take heart that we have plowed through the bullocks of the Left Cabal and thinned the veil enough for stronger souls to break out to freedom… the deeply unconscious people will awaken when everything crumbles around them… they are the most at risk of self inflicted deaths. We are switching from cavalry to hospice and recovery. There are not too many left sleeping so I would assume that part of our mission is ending and the part where we brace and prop up our freshly awakened people with knowledge and compassion has arrived. Try to keep faith in yourselves and humanity frens. I know it is extremely difficult most of the time but we were chosen for specific duties that our unique talents fit with and there is no one that can replace a single Anon! We need every single Anon and cannot spare a single one… that includes all of us, understand? I love each of you for your hard work and loving souls. You have given more than anyone has a right to ask another to give. You have held your heads high regardless of the brutality thrown at you. You have brought Truth and Light to this battle, prepared thousands of intel drops for normies consumption! In my mind, you have all more than earned a medal for ~bravery beyond the call of duty~. So when the sh!t gets thick, remember that you are not, nor will you ever be alone again… never again. We are a band of brothers and we will most definitely hold the line. Those that think they can defeat us, well that’s a fu@k around and find out moment isn’t it? LMAO! Get back up on the horse and let’s see our people into our Golden Age my fellow pedes! We’ve only begun! NCSWIC
Many people are seeing it,but best time for action is THIS YEAR not 2022, not 2023, not 2024 and definitely NOT 2999. I know you have more faith anon. Ok. But I am combat-ready quite long. We lost some anons who are no more time waiting. Majority here isn't able to awaken people in exponential scale in fact... We need something big enough for normies - not for us now...
I still hope the Plan will work,but clock is ticking. Clock is ticking.And it is our doomsday clock.
It looks like promises were given,BIG PROMISES - hope again at least most important one promises will be kept. Otherwise we are DEAD within few years. Big stake - isn't it ? I have no doubts - community here is doing great work,but we are not awakening people in exponential scale. We need reorganisation or help.
Downvote me if you like. I don't care.I am with you frens whatever you will think about me. u/AReckoningIsComing is wrong.I not missed anything. Faith is great thing,but dire reality is dire reality - clock is ticking. We are assuring ourselves all shit is part of the plan,but plan has to work to make all of this having sense...
There were things being proofs for us.Great. But keeping us believing is not enough if it is white hat operation. So we need something that would awaken normies at least a bit in THIS year,or we have a problem.
I will not downvote for an honest opinion fren. I have to agree: we need BIG HABBENINGS in order to get normies over the trust hump… I think now is the time to prepare our families and friends for the dark days ahead. I see millions of our people stepping into the sun from centuries of sleep and slavery. WE ANONS DID THAT! WE WOKE THEM, NOT TRUMP OR ANYONE ELSE! WE DID THAT! Take heart that we have plowed through the bullocks of the Left Cabal and thinned the veil enough for stronger souls to break out to freedom… the deeply unconscious people will awaken when everything crumbles around them… they are the most at risk of self inflicted deaths. We are switching from cavalry to hospice and recovery. There are not too many left sleeping so I would assume that part of our mission is ending and the part where we brace and prop up our freshly awakened people with knowledge and compassion has arrived. Try to keep faith in yourselves and humanity frens. I know it is extremely difficult most of the time but we were chosen for specific duties that our unique talents fit with and there is no one that can replace a single Anon! We need every single Anon and cannot spare a single one… that includes all of us, understand? I love each of you for your hard work and loving souls. You have given more than anyone has a right to ask another to give. You have held your heads high regardless of the brutality thrown at you. You have brought Truth and Light to this battle, prepared thousands of intel drops for normies consumption! In my mind, you have all more than earned a medal for ~bravery beyond the call of duty~. So when the sh!t gets thick, remember that you are not, nor will you ever be alone again… never again. We are a band of brothers and we will most definitely hold the line. Those that think they can defeat us, well that’s a fu@k around and find out moment isn’t it? LMAO! Get back up on the horse and let’s see our people into our Golden Age my fellow pedes! We’ve only begun! NCSWIC