Why not? I thought we already won etc??
i'm english so no i havent lol
how the heck do people just have 100k lying around. I've never seen that sort of money in my life!!
They should be arresting far more domestic terrorists firebombing tesla dealerships tbh. I mean we have a lot of them on camera ffs. AND charging them with TERRORISM when they get them as that is what it is, not pathetic destruction of property charges!!
The left need to experience REAL and SEVERE LENGTHY Sentences to send a message. Sick of them being so lightly treated when if the Proud Boys were doing this under Biden's Gov they'd probably get life ffs.
Didnt look dead to me. What evidence is there that she was blown up except the narrative telling us?
if shedding was a thing we'd all be down by now. Lots of my fam had it and I've been fine since
Biden should be impeached too for the devastating Afghanistan withdrawal which got people killed including babies, our own military men and even translators who betrayed the Taliban to help us and we just left them there to be gutted like dogs after we bailed.
I honestly to this day cant believe everyone just shrugged that off and there was zero talk of impeachment for such dereliction of duty and incompetency!!
As well as for abusing office by ignoring SCOTUS orders and bragging about finding a way around for student loan fees, and of course all his Burisma stuff and boasting about blackmailing the special prosecutor to be fired etc.
Are you talking about the date? I think it means 22 November 1963, the date they assassinated a (literally) sitting POTUS and installed their puppets into office.
Wait she's a Biden judge?? Why was she investigating her own team?? Secret White Hat? But that means Q team couldnt protect her? If she's really dead and not in witness protection that is...
Oh god I'm down the rabbit hole again!! :/
So why havent they done shit about it?? Havent even mentioned it.
So did Chris Carter - creator of X Files in the pilot of his March 2001 series Lone Gunman.
I think he was ex CIA or linked to the feds in some way which led him to do X Files and plant the common image of the Greys into our cultural collective consciousness etc.
Exactly. That even was so fake and gay. Almost all the exposure vids were scrubbed from YT back in 2018/19 :/
Wow. They held the as political prisoners and won't even pay what they owe or even compo?? Madness. But then, same with the J6ers I guess... :(
Surprised Jake Lang & co aint sued DC for all they have keeping them incarcerated without a trial for months and even years! Blatant violation of 6A & even 8A tbh.
We need PUBLIC arrests. Public acknowledgement that these were bona fide criminals going after an election candidate in an election year!!
Not really cos that would spark WW3 with NATO and start an endless global conflict lol
He may be porn addicted too. Happened to me and i began self isolating and being very snappy. Its hard to bring up in convo but maybe try looking for signs or working it in gently in a convo about dating to cheer him up etc.
Yh the recent documentary was really sad but inspiring too!
yh I an Caroll said they even took frames out of it near the end to manipulate the angle etc, idk
Context?? What is this exactly?
No way someone survives all that lol
Yeah and the death of his friend Chris Reeve hit him hard. I think if he was still alive Robin wouldn't have offed himself.
I've seen zero evidence of any of this. Seems like an urban legend tbh.
Wow. Literally money printers go BRRRR lmao
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence so I hope he can back this up cos thats mad lol fingers crossed!