AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hi, I couldn't get a screenshot of the final image that plays over the end credits as the copy on Pirate sites cuts off before the end so that was as best as I could get it to illustrate the point, but the final final closing shot is even more egregious in their gloating over the corpse of the President!!

But make no mistake, this is a leftist film under the guise of being "neutral" as I say in the vid.

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

yh but they still have to have DAs and Governor's who will go after them. Where's all the red states pushing cases against Leticia James for her dodgy shit and Alvin Bragg for bringing a bunk case against a citizen and depriving him of his rights etc.

Where's ANY red official bringing ANYTHING against ANY OF THEM for blatant election interference? Even if Obama/Bush lose their immunity, we still need people brave enough to a make a move against them, and so far none have even said boo to a goose about the Dem's outrageous lawfare...

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think one soldier pulls the trigger, its kind hard to tell, but the foreign journo basically refuses to save him and looks at him like shit, and the black female soldier kills him i believe from memory. But they are all standing above his corpse gloating anyway for 3 minutes over the end credits anyway.

That's exactly why i cam home and wrote out all my frustrations. It's nuts how they cant see this for what it is.

AReckoningIsComing 3 points ago +5 / -2

Until Q team take control of the legacy media we are swimming against the tide. Normies will never wake up when morning red pills keep getting override by MSM in the evenings.

AReckoningIsComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

TG is the least censored platform on the web. It's great for Q and truther channels.

Though I still cant figure out how on earth to attract followers on it. Seems like you start a channel and then idk how do people know you're there because it doesn't have feeds or algo like the other social media platforms do. It's really hard to start a channel in my experience

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

" It doesn’t mention political parties at all." no but it does by default in terms of who they've cast for certain roles and how they portray characters and events. It purports to be non biased but its clearly made through a leftist lens which the director seems to think is neutral.

For example, all the bad guys in the movie are straight white men and conservative caricatures (gas station guys, Jess Plemmons' group and the gov) whilst the heroes are a racially diverse group with even obese representation lmao.

The woman at the start who suicide bombs a bunch of innocent minorities queuing for water holds an america flag. Last time i checked, suicide bombing comes from religious brown people not christians or patriots ffs.

This movie isnt really that subtle in its propaganda to be honest. its right there in your face.

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

They kill the President (AKA Trump - no kidding, they even have him mimic his speech patterns ffs) and the racially diverse group of soldiers execute him and the movie ends with them standing over the corpse of the avatar of white supremacy and Trump etc. The end credits then play out over this shot for 3 minutes rubbing it in and gloating.

It's incredibly left wing imo. I'm gonna title my YT video as "Civil War is a leftist's wet dream" or something lol

AReckoningIsComing 7 points ago +7 / -0

yh if WW3 is declared when he is in jail, that will prove it wasnt him who led to it and then he's released to start his 2nd term and immediately ends it.

Instant red pilling and destruction of Democratic Party!

AReckoningIsComing 11 points ago +11 / -0

i literally came home and wrote a 5 page script for a youtube rant review cos it pissed me off so much the director saying its politically neutral yet the movie ends on a bunch of minorities standing over the corpse of white supremacy and revelling in the death of a straight white man/Trump avatar which represents everything the left hates.

AReckoningIsComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

lol one of the guards that night literally admitted he thought he was suspicious but didnt want to be fired for being racist/stereotyping/profiling if he had stopped to check him etc

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

stranger things have happened i guess... Man Ashton is sure getting around these days too!

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

yh i wonder why that is or what that means...

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

its no coincidence that what happened to Trump and his election also happened to the populist Brazilian President and their election. They also had their own Jan 6th. It's gotta be intentionally planned this way to wake people up worldwide and show Brazilians just how compromised and infiltrated their courts/country is.

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

why doesnt he sign off as Q in these post? it also doesnt sound like his way of speaking or punctuating etc

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

why do they brag about this stuff so openly on random tinder dates?? I wouldnt dream of talkimg about my work this in depth especially if what i was doing was illegal etc

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