I'm gonna sit this one out.
I haven't bothered with stocks, and though I really have an urge to jump on it now, I don't think it is necessary.
The stock market has been just a glorified casino for the longest time now, and "the house always wins" is a guarantee.
That's my primary reason for not getting into it, and I think I'm gonna maintain that stance.
Don't get me wrong, I know I'm probably gonna miss out on a lot of money, and I'm hopeful you guys are gonna make a ton!
But... I'm not all that in to money.
It's not out of any sense of fear, but more from a sense that soon money won't matter. The only reason this stock looks appetizing right now is because our tastes have been conditioned by bad players for a long time and it is currently blasting all our taste-buds, and is probably designed to do just that.
I'm sure we're all willing to admit that there is some sort of ruse or scheme behind what Trump set up -- there always is. He hasn't usually just done things for money; he's frequently done things for the better, in whatever way it needs to manifest.
This might all be a scheme to put pressure on the market and show how honest, good stocks and businesses are suppressed in our grand and devious pay-to-play mafia style market.
I think this is all headed to expose how Wall Street makes sure good, honest companies aren't allowed to happen; just like GME shows how they've rig things to always protect them from going bust.
Just like cancer research, even if a cure came out, the bad guys would make sure it never saw the light of day. Same deal here, but with honest businesses trying to provide a needed service with no strings attached.
I'm no expert, and I'm not giving advice on whether or not to invest, but I think it's obvious that we shouldn't treat this like a regular stock. Invest more wisely than ever before. 5D chess is happening, and we can't focus only on the pawns.
Anyways... I suppose I just wanted to see if anyone else shares my sentiments...
You're not wrong, and stocks are risky in a full apocalypse scenario, thus why they are below in hand assets. But as everyone knows, "You never go full apocalypse."
If any infrastructure remains, stocks will likely retain their intrinsic value to the purchaser. Anything less than that would be complete destruction of the world. Either businesses would cease to exist, or they (the larger ones) would instigate their own totalitarian regime, holding all the real assets.
I don't see any scenario where society breaks down that far where we survive in meaningful numbers (i.e. they will get their 500M population and then some).