Why does Durham matter if military is the only way? Can he recommend military trials?
Don’t really know what he has the power to do Edit Thx for the sticky. Have been wondering about corrupt judges etc
I think we may see something on October 28th. u/#q3784 u/#q3785
cliff high says the same, 24-28 something will happen that triggers more awakening. now what that is? no clue, could be a number of things. HEs been accurate with his threshold timeline stuff, he just alays breaks things down pretty well. I highly recommend watching cliff High's stuff.
One of his recent videos was saying a death bloom could happen starting November with the vaxxed because less sunlight we lessen vitamin D and vaxxed immune systems are weakening so could start to see a die off. Some scary ass shit.
Have any of you noticed more than usual chem trails lately? I've noticed them being sprayed in a grid pattern in the sky for the last couple of weeks. Chem trails always brings a lot of clouds and sometimes rain follows the next day.
YES...i wish i could've video time lapsed it...woke up early morning up in the mountains, bright blue sky. Noticed dozens of chemtrails start forming up an hour or so later, then watched as they slowly spread out and then formed into clouds...by that afternoon, nothing but rain and shit weather