Why does Durham matter if military is the only way? Can he recommend military trials?
Don’t really know what he has the power to do Edit Thx for the sticky. Have been wondering about corrupt judges etc
I'll date fag... and more... see full thread for much much more on 28 Oct, Durham, and more.
Edits have been made to this comment, pushing a projected date of H. Clinton arrest to 1 Nov 2021 based on historical synchrony with Trump speech on 31 Oct 2021 (the date, not the context of the speech). Each edit is clearly identified. The original of this post is in my comment history, this was a copy paste of that original comment. Since it appeared not to be an accurate prediction I went back over the logic and date assumptions / predictions and found errors, sometimes it was a day wrong, sometimes a date, never both. I could see the mistakes in retrospect. Again, all changes are time and date annotated. Still lots of good information in the text despite the wrong prognostication.
Below begin copy paste of just one of comments from above linked thread...
Sometime in the midnight hours of the 24th / 25th of December 2019, Christmas Eve
In 1776, these were the hours during which General George Washington finalized his plans for the attack on Hessian forces wintering just across the Delaware River in Trenton, New Jersey. Washington issued his general orders to his officers the next day, on the 25th, and preparations began for the attack.
Here is a brief timeline of events leading up to and including the attack:
"Washington encamped the army near McConkey's Ferry, not far from the crossing site. While Washington at first took quarters across the river from Trenton, he moved his headquarters on December 15 to the home of William Keith so he could remain closer to his forces."
"... the morale of the Patriot forces was boosted on December 19 when a new pamphlet titled The American Crisis written by Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense, was published.
These are the times that try men's souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
Within a day of its publication in Philadelphia, General Washington ordered it to be read to all of his troops. It encouraged the soldiers and improved the tolerance of their difficult conditions." (wiki 1)
The home of William Keith was the location of a Trump Campaign rally
on Saturday, 31 October 2020.
https://youtu.be/9UbNIVFyKPo?t=4850 (timestamp)
"The intelligence gathered by Reed and others led Washington to abandon the idea of attacking at Mount Holly, preferring instead to target the Trenton garrison. He announced this decision to his staff on December 23, saying the attack would take place just before daybreak on December 26."
"Preparations for the attack began on December 23. On December 24, the boats used to bring the army across the Delaware from New Jersey were brought down from Malta Island near New Hope. They were hidden behind Taylor Island at McConkey's Ferry, Washington's planned crossing site; security was tightened at the crossing. A final planning meeting took place that day, with all of the general officers present. General orders were issued by Washington on December 25 outlining plans for the operation." (wiki 1)
"Each soldier carried 60 rounds of ammunition, and three days of rations.[26] When the army arrived at the shores of the Delaware, they were already behind schedule, and clouds began to form above them.[27] It began to rain. As the air's temperature dropped, the rain changed to sleet, and then to snow.[27] The Americans began to cross the river, with John Glover in command. The men went across in Durham boats, while the horses and artillery went across on large ferries."
"At 8 am, the outpost was set up by the Hessians at a cooper shop on Pennington Road about one mile northwest of Trenton. Washington led the assault, riding in front of his soldiers." (wiki 2)
"By noon, Washington's force had moved across the Delaware back into Pennsylvania, taking their prisoners and captured supplies with them." (wiki 2)
The battle lasted, either just under or just over an hour, according to multiple sources. Either way, it was short for such a decisive and such an important battle. The captured supplies from the Hessians, food, arms, powder, canon, clothing including shoes, were critical to the badly supplied and exhausted American forces. The irony of using the enemy's arms and supplies against them was not an irony soon forgotten.
Q (Anonymous) 0 28 October** 2017 15:33:50 {EST}
Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30 2017.
(In my comment history you can find a recent example of the inversion of the word "on" to mean "no" (think mirror) when marked by a mistake in wording. In Q Drop 0 it should read ...on Monday - the morning of Oct 30 2017 and not the morning on Oct 30, 2017. That particular mistake indicates a fouled message on purpose, that there is an intentional error... a flag not to act on or relay the message. This is all old school secret coded message stuff... buy a book, its all in there. We know now, that the only part of the message that time has proven to be wrong (in terms of a predictive statement) is the year, 2017. Continue working the decode...)
Now read Q Drop 0 corrected as:
Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning of Oct 30 2021.
Now compare original drop and new Clinton arrest drop:
On Monday.. 30 Oct 2017, Hillary Clinton will be...
On Saturday 30 Oct 2021, Hillary Clinton will be...
[4] year Q Delta
Original header Q Drop 0 is known as a message validation sequence. Some formula or algorithm can be broken if you know the code. Of course, Q code key is 17:
28 October 2017 15:33:50
28/10/2017 15:33:50
2x8=16+1=17 is validation code number this message.
17 /0/ [2] /0/ = 17 2 times will follow.
17 (year)
: = + (addition)
1+5 = 6
3+3 = 6
5+0 = 5
Message validation complete
17 17 17 = Q Q Q
[3] Q Delta
On Tuesday...24 Dec 1776, the boats used to bring the army...
On Thursday 26 Dec 1776, The men went across in Durham boats."
[2] days between moving the Durham boats on the 24th into position in
preparation for use and launch on the morning of the 26th.
[2] day Delta
Using Saturday, Oct 30 2021 as datum, John Durham will launch (report drop) on Oct 28, 2021, 2 days before Hillary Clinton is arrested on 30 October 2021. That would make the date of the Durham report drop match month (Oct) and day (30) of the original (and first) Q drop another [4] year delta. High confidence predictor.
On Thursday 28 Oct 2021, John Durham will launch report. In 1776 Durham boats launched on a Thursday. In 2021 Durham report will be launched on a Thursday.
On Saturday 31 Oct 2020 The home of William Keith location of Trump Rally
On Saturday. 31 Oct 2021 Donald Trump will...
Edit to second line above, change Saturday to Sunday, at 0330 ET 31 Oct 2021:
On Saturday 31 Oct 2020 The home of William Keith location of Trump Rally
On Sunday.. 31 Oct 2021 Donald Trump will...
[1] year Delta between day (31), month (Oct) and year (2021) from Trumps 2020 Campaign Rally at the William Keith home in Buck's County, PA.
Edit to first line above, day to date, at 0330 ET 31 Oct 2021:
[1] year Delta between date (31), month (Oct) and year (2021) from Trumps 2020 Campaign Rally at the William Keith home in Buck's County, PA.
Final Q proofs... this message:
Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning of Oct 30 2021.
Edit to above line, Oct 30 to Nov 1, at 0330 ET 31 Oct 2021
Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning of Nov 1 2021.
7:45 AM
7:45 - 8:30 = 45 minutes
Oct 30 2021 = 10+30+2+2+1 = 45 (does not break with edits above)
The Delta sequence is 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / is a countdown. There is another example of this countdown sequence breakout in relation to the establishment of the Space Force. Check comment history for detail.
Now back to the campaign rally on Saturday, 31 October 2020 at the home of William Keith, where Washington had his headquarters and planned the attack.
https://youtu.be/9UbNIVFyKPo?t=4850 (timestamp)
President Trump's official travel and event schedule for this rally was as follows:
08:30 AM Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
10:00 AM Depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews
10:25 AM Arrives Joint Base Andrews
10:35 AM Depart Joint Base Andrews en route Ewing Township, NJ
11:25 AM Arrive Trenton-Mercer Airport
11:35 AM Depart Ewing Township NJ en route Newtown, PA
11:55 AM Arrive Keith House - Washington HQs, Upper Makefield Township PA
12:00 AM Delivers remarks Make America Great Again, Again.
(Donald Trump - President's Public Schedule October, 2020 / 31 Saturday)
President Trump actual arrival Trenton Mercer Airport: 11:46 AM ET President Trump actual delivery remarks Keith House: 12:50 PM ET
"At 8 am, the outpost was set up by the Hessians at a cooper shop on Pennington Road about one mile northwest of Trenton. Washington led the assault, riding in front of his soldiers." (wiki 2)
"By noon, Washington's force had moved across the Delaware back into Pennsylvania, taking their prisoners and captured supplies with them." (wiki 2)
So... when President Trump was travelling that day, from the time he left the White House until arriving at General Washington's Headquarters at the Keith House, he was literally in timing and figuratively in symbolism retracing General Washington's Trenton attack and return from that victory over the Hessians in on 26 December 1776.
How can anyone not love this man and what he stands for.
This movie about Washington crossing the Delaware is pretty good... good period costumes, good writing... lots of good detail.
I always thought Durham boats were a type of boat... Washington requisitioned them from a foundry owned by a guy named Durham on the New Jersey side of the Delaware River to retreat over to Pennsylvania, kept them and then used them again to cross back on the night of 25 / 26 December. Learned something.
Excellent movie, often forgotten because it was made for TV production. Jeff Daniels has always been on my radar as a possible double agent, mostly due to this performance as Washington and of Chamberlain in Gettysburg.
More on Durham boat history https://durhamhistoricalsociety.org/durham-history/the-durham-boat/ http://pabook2.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/DurhamBoat.html
Perhaps the most important aspect of the victory at Trenton was the morale boost the Continental Army desperately needed... terms of enlistment were about to expire. the Continental Congress had no money. Hope was dwindling. Washington needed a victory, any kind of victory, to keep his troops in the fight. Sounds similar to today eh?
In season 3 of the HBO series Newsroom starring Jeff Daniels, his character, Will McAvoy, is held in contempt of court for refusing to reveal the identity of a confidential source. When McAvoy is in the courtroom being questioned by the judge behind McAvoy on the wall is a copy of the Emanuel Leutze painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware.
The scene appears to be shot in an actual court room, not a set, so whether the painting was already there or was placed on the wall for the shot by the set coordinator is probably not discoverable by mere mortals.
Just a random factoid.
Do you remember seeing that scene or was that something you just looked up? Interesting coincidence....